Nintendo News | Revolution Gets Nicked

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.04.2006 15

Hollywood Reporter has confirmed that Nintendo's upcoming home console, codenamed Revolution, will feature some special guests during its launch later this year.

The quirky and extremely popular shows Avatar: The Last Airbender and SpongeBob Squarepants are said to make their Revolution debut as part of founding company Nickelodeon's aim to be number one for children.

"We have a fundamental point of view that we are No. 1 with kids, we seek to be everywhere that kids are, and we seek to be leaders in that space. It's hard to say you're everywhere kids are if you're not on the new Nintendo product."

Steve Youngwood, Nickelodeon MTV Networks Kids and Family.

Further details on these two fabulous titles will be disclosed at this year's E3 in just over a fortnight's time. Be excited, be very excited.

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Wow. I can't wait for this.

This will be the Revolution!

(/end lies)

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

The Last Avitar is pretty new. They could make a good game from it if they wanted to. Its not to bad a show. But I think itll be a corny kinda thing.

We can only hope they dont make a game from every Nicktoon.

"Study this revelation, you nest of adders!"

The probably will, and hopefully it won't be poor... but you know.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Percentage itll be good. 3 percentage poor. 96 and a 1% margin of error

"Study this revelation, you nest of adders!"

There goes the revolutions chance of not being a kiddy system in every hardcore gamers eyes. Oh well their loss

Cheeky, that news title fooled me good. Smilie

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

yea, but you still have to provide for different audiences. I'm sure kids games bring in a lot of money, and I know a lot of kids like Spongebob so... yea Smilie

Co-founder of the PDSLB - Pink DS Lite Buddies Fraz: Cheerios are made from fairy orgasms.

ShinyRainbow said:
yea, but you still have to provide for different audiences. Im sure kids games bring in a lot of money, and I know a lot of kids like Spongebob so... yea Smilie

Yep, I agree - the games usually end up on PS/Xbox as well, so not just Nintendo systems.

I think Spongebob's even going a bit adult with some insane grown-ups liking it an all.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Christ, Nintendo are 4 KIDZZZ

Its true, I'm a 27 year old kid, and playing Nintendo always made me feel younger.
(insert Peter Pan pun here*)

Well, definitely confirms our news about Spongebob Revolution from a couple of days ago!

And shows mainstream appeal, not just niche games will be coming...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Damm i thought this was about the Nintendo AOL winnder stealing the system or somthin Smilie.
Well already pretty much knew about the spongebob game but meh somthin for the kids i suppose.

Oh it's not too bad. We can ignore them if they're crap, if the decent games flow then I'm happy. Smilie

I like Spongebob and I'm 15. My uncle like spongebob, and he's 20 something and in the Navy Smilie

But that's because spongebob is more awesome than people give it credit for. It's clever, not kiddy a lot of the time.

Anyways...yeah for Nintendo!

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

Any addition is a good addition for me. As for the whole 'kids' image thing, all Nintendo needs are decent software support that taps into revmote. I don't think the traditional view of what makes a game "mature" would be as significant this gen.

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