Nintendo Media | First Images & Details of Drawn to Life

By Adam Riley 23.04.2006 12

Namco's Pac-Pix was definitely a splendid game in its own right. However, that means it was great if you saw it as the extended demonstration product that it was. The game had players drawing their own Pac-Man characters and other things on the touch-screen before seeing their work come to life like magic. However, it was used as a demo at E3 2004 and then just fluffed out for a retail release, thus leaving many feeling underwhelmed.

Now, however, 5th Cell Media is attempting to show the world how it SHOULD be done with its creative title 'Drawn to Life' on the Nintendo DS. Founded in 2003, the Washington-based developer consists of Industry veterans Joseph M Tringali, Jeremiah Slaczka and Brett Caird. They have previously focused on content for mobile phones, such as Full Spectrum Warrior, Moto GP Manager, Lemony Snicket and Ministry of Sound Club Manager.

After acquiring a DS development license, work began on Drawn to Life, a game that "takes players to the next level of interaction and creativity on the Nintendo DS. Your exact drawings populate the game, and no tedious animating or image manipulation is necessary. In other words, your drawing comes to life!"

Definitely sounds like something to keep an eye on. Players will find themselves left with the task of rebuilding a small village using the stylus as your creative tool. You will draw the planets, animals, sun, moon, stars and much more. This means that once you have done so, you can sit back and relax watching with self-satisfaction as your creations interact in the streets with the town population.

But creating the world itself is not the full extent of Drawn to Life, as you can jump, crawl, charge and battle your way through dark forests, windy meadows, busy cities and tropical islands. Boredom is not something that will creep up on you easily in this adventure! Fans of Mario Paint will feel right at home as well, as Drawn to Life provides a powerful, yet easy-to-use paint set, including a twenty-five colour swatch palette, eraser, three brush sizes and flood fill. And whilst that may sound a little too daunting for some, there is the option to tracing using special templates provided as a guide to allow anyone to master the art of creating wonderful worlds!

Drawn to Life has no confirmed release date yet, but it is hoped it will make a late 2006 d

Box art for Drawn to Life

5th Cell







C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (2 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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I was going to make a topic about this after reading the article on IGN. Doesnt it look great?! The concept is the best on DS yet. Comic writers will be out of a job!

Certainly looks like an intriguing prospect for the future on the DS. Can't wait to see more!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Saw this a little while back, seems very very good indeedy! One to keep an eye on I'm sure.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Damn this looks so cute and it is SUCH a good idea. Can't wait Smilie

Trying to think of a witty signature after 'Hacker-gate'...

Sounds great, the kinda stuff the DS was made to host, and should be hosting.
It has my attention and my niece would love it!
Two completely different audiences, again the whole point in the DS.

The images look sharp as well. Look forward to hearing more on this.

I was a little conflicted while reading the article... But After seeing the pics, I got all excited! I can't wait to see more of this!

Definitely can't wait to see more on this game.

this screen looks so darn good! Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Outstanding Smilie

Thats one of the ebst ideas ive ever seen!Smilie

I must say its got massive potential.Its either be really big or not to big, my prediction : big

"Study this revelation, you nest of adders!"

this does look really cool and i'd like to have it Smilie

dread to think what my character would look like though...

Co-founder of the PDSLB - Pink DS Lite Buddies Fraz: Cheerios are made from fairy orgasms.

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