Nintendo Media | Direct Feed Images of Final Fantasy III DS, Scans & Information

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.04.2006 29

Updated - Eighteen new direct feed images now included! Check out the screens folder at the bottom of this story for these amazing shots!

One of the biggest franchises has touched down on the Nintendo DS in Square Enix's Final Fantasy III. The 3D remake for DS is one that is highly anticipated in the gaming community, and Japanese gamers have been overwhelmed by the amount of coverage given by the media recently.

Information and new images have been published in Japanese magazines Nintendo Dream and Famitsu, with some absolutely stunning fresh images and artwork pouring through as well as some juicy information on the title's specifics. The title is a fresh 3D remake of the Famicom (NES) classic of the same name and although has a new face, will feature a similar style, presentation and care.

  • Both screens will be used, with the bottom screen as main as the developers wanted touch-screen capabilities to be fully used.
  • The screen can be used to select items, navigate menus, select battle commands etc.
  • No map will be displayed in dungeons.
  • The game will be in full 3D, including movable camera during events.
  • The main party will be made up of 3 males and 1 female with different names and characteristics
  • The original FFIII story will not be altered.
  • Additional events and episodes in the game are used to develop characters and their background stories
  • There will be 23 different jobs, with capacity points required to change job
  • Players will be able to save anywhere (for it's a portable game).

Thanks to duckroll and neo on the neoGAFforums for the cans and translation.

Square Enix is aiming for a summer 2006 release for the title.

The official website has some information on the title (Japanese), which is worth checking out.

Stick with C3 for future updates.

Box art for Final Fantasy III

Square Enix


Square Enix


Turn Based RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  5/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (107 Votes)

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Sound great, cannot wait to get my hands on it.

Can't wait for this game.

Guest 22.04.2006#3

jb said:
Square Enix is aiming for a late 2006 release for the title.

This can't be true, surely? That'd mean they worked on it for 2-3 years! For a remake! And why would they already begin advertising for it when it won't be out for at least another 6 months?

Or, do you mean Square Enix is aiming for a late 2006 release in Europe?

Sorry about that; meant "Summer 2006". Thanks for pointing that out!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer
Guest 22.04.2006#5

Ah, all makes sense now!Smilie
Still, it seems a bit early; spring has just started a month ago. Oh, they are probably aiming for an early summer 2006 release.

( Edited on 22.04.2006 20:44 by )

Love the graphical style, very CCesque and considering that's my only FF game and I love it, this should be worth buying.

Looking good! Smilie

The drawings are really nice! Smilie

You found the word nipple! And you love touching them!

Clarkman, you should take note that CC was a hack and slash game, and this is a true RPG, so you might reconsider Smilie
I'm definitely buying this though, I need some good FF-ing after the misbreed(imo) that was FF:CC.

( Edited on 22.04.2006 23:11 by Cubed3Newbie )

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

I think Clarkman's actually saying he wants this game...

( Edited on 22.04.2006 23:10 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

well, the way I read it was more like he thought FF3 was the same style as FFCC, but it's not, so I was just pointing that out to him Smilie

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

Ah right, but it does seem like having a similar graphical style to Crystal Chronicles (which I love also) in some of the character designs and artwork imo.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Well in anycase this will be a proper FinalFantasy so it automatically wees all over FFCC.Smilie

In my opinion, FFCC is the by far the weakest Final Fantasy game I've ever played. The less like FFCC this remake is, the better.

This remake is almost exactly like the original FF3, so it's gonna be better Smilie

I actually felt hurt by FF:CC, such beautiful graphics, and such a flawed(again, imo) game design... One example that graphics aren't everything. I'm glad that the FF3 remake has the same style, and it still looks so beautiful...*drools*
They should have made a traditional FF RPG with the graphical quality of FF:CC... That would be so awesome...*drools even more*

Ah, it's 1:15 AM, time for Mad Max Smilie

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles was really only ever going to be any good if you had 4 GBAs, 4 connector players and 4 people with which to regularly play the game. For the vast majority of people the game would've stank of Chocobo turd.

The more I see and hear of FF3, the more interested I become in it. The FFVII/IX visuals also make a more than welcome return. Smilie

Jambo said:
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles was really only ever going to be any good if you had 4 GBAs, 4 connector players and 4 people with which to regularly play the game. For the vast majority of people the game wouldve stank of Chocobo turd.

Lol, does stink now. We had the ultimate setup! Sue's cousins have a phat ass HD-TV, a GC, 2GBAs etc... and I had the other two GBAs... mutliplayer madness. Anyway, one day after we'd all gotten through the game with the plug exention about to explode (all four GBAs were charging), one of her cousins tries a "let's swap the memory card" trick... not good. As I wasn't there at the time my character's the only one surviving on their memory card


Anyway... returning to topic, it does look very very sweet.

I was looking for videos the other day and can't find anything. Anyone seen this gem in action?

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I go on about it I know but I'm so looking forward to the revamped music. One of the best game music came from FF3 back in them days. I'll buy this even just to listen to the town theme.

never really was into final fantasy. Last one i played has got to be 7 and that was it.

Might look into buying this gem of a game. Smilie

Just shrunk the scans slightly, should be much quicker for everyone to view Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Excuse me whilst I go change my pants... Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

It looks ultramazing!! The 2nd most beautiful looking game on DS, & it could be the FIRST most, considering we havn't seen much of ASH at all.

& for all those who should know (everyone) I though FF:CC was an awesome game, no big flaws in my opinion, except maybe the fact that the story was so weak, but apart from that I loved it to death, I still go back every now & then. I WOULD be glad to see an FF on Nintendo with more of an FFX/FFVII style though, as FFIII & CC seem to have a bit of a childish style. (HHM, I WONDER WHY!?!? :sarcySmilie Well, that's just my view, it may not look childish to others.

Anywhoo, I'm looking forward to having a 3D FF game on a Nintendo system!!

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Childish? Hardly. CC is immense in terms of graphics - sure the characters are young, and it does seem upbeat in places but it's definitely not one to dismiss because of its happier tone.

Seems to really ooze quality in presentation, character design etc. With Wi-Fi (whatever features it is) it's definitely gonna be one to buy.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

except maybe the fact that the story was so weak

The story wasn't weak at all! If you've done some research and listen to the conversation you might find some interesting informations about the black knight and his past attempt to defeat the final boss which he failed so he became a souless being also his own son kills him!
There some other things about the black knight and his caravan crew that I forgot about but its really interesting it also involved how this maisma thing came in the first place.

You found the word nipple! And you love touching them!

Yeah i don't think it looks like that just cause it's on a Nintendo console, FF9 looked pretty similer.

The story wasn't weak at all! If you've done some research and listen to the conversation you might find some interesting informations about the black knight and his past attempt to defeat the final boss which he failed so he became a souless being also his own son kills him!
There some other things about the black knight and his caravan crew that I forgot about but its really interesting it also involved how this maisma thing came in the first place.

For a Final Fantasy game thats pretty weak, and the random encounters wasn't a great way of telling the story.

( Edited on 23.04.2006 21:33 by Blade2t3 )

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