E3 2006 Screens | Red Steel Announcement & More Screens

By Mike Mason 12.04.2006 44

Revealed in American magazine Game Informer a few days ago, Ubisoft have now released an official statement about Red Steel on Nintendo Revolution. The first person action game is set in modern-day Japan and will see players getting to grip with both firearms and the ancient art of the katana. The Revolution controller's motion abilities can be used to aim the weaponry and attack to create immersive gameplay only possible with this kind of control.

"We're honored to announce this exciting new franchise and we're confident that Red Steel will be the must-have title for the Revolution when it launches," said Serge Hascoet, chief creative officer at Ubisoft. "We have been working closely with Nintendo to take full advantage of the innovative controller to create a thrilling experience that can only exist on the Revolution."

"Nintendo is excited to have Ubisoft bring Red Steel to the Revolution launch lineup," said Reggie Fils-Aime, executive vice president of sales and marketing at Nintendo of America. "Ubisoft makes some of the most innovative and critically acclaimed games in the industry and from what we have seen from Red Steel it is going to be a standout exclusive title on the Revolution."

Red Steel will be shown fully in May 2006 at E3. Offered as a game with the style of a contemporary action movie, Red Steel will be aimed at both those who thirst for a new experience and those who've never played a game of the genre in their lives. Ubisoft will reveal more information as we move towards the as-yet-unannounced release date.

[Update 1]
We have three new high quality screens to view in the game's album below.

[Update 2]
We've been linked to the official site, which has a rather nice interactive teaser. We have also added the offical game logo to our screens album for this title. Check it out below.

Stick with C3 for more information as it comes...

Box art for Red Steel





First Person Shooter



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10

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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (138 Votes)

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Guest 12.04.2006#27

Don't tell me you prefer the dual analogue stick setup for FPS on consoles?

Keyboard and mouse.. but what I mean is that it looks like Time Crisis et al.. the way the screens are looks like those people are popping out like they do in light gun games.

Shoot, shoot, shoot


Shoot, shoot, shoot



msenyszak said:
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Yes...I can also post images of...lightgun gamesSmilie

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XBL Gamertag: James2t3

msenyszak said:
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To quote somone from another forum:

The one interface not allowed for a First Person shooter is, you know, a gun-like interface?

Keyboard and mouse interface: Yup, it's a shooter!

Gamepad interface: Yup, it's a shooter!

Gun interface: OMGWTFBBQ, it's Duck hunt!

What kind of stupid fanboy do you have to be to make that kind of argument?

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

I'm not making any argument.. I was pointing out the enemies are popping out in a time crisis type style, not in a perfect dark or whatever style.

It looks more like whack-a-mole than a shooter.

Just a little comment though.. I'm not pissing in your Nintendo champaign, everyone. Smilie

nah i an see what your on about, they are still screens after all and can be misleading.

( Edited on 12.04.2006 15:37 by Blade2t3 )

XBL Gamertag: James2t3

msenyszak said:
It looks like a shitty light gun game.

Mseny and his optimism is back!! Smilie

If you read the Press Release, "With the style and flair of a contemporary action movie," then you can see why it's similar to a Light Gun game.

"Traditional" console FPS, stream of bad guys all dotted along your path, walk along like an idiot and pick them off as they guard their area.

Contemporary action movie, rooms / areas full of guys that you have to waste as quickly / efficiently as possible, heavy on the duck and cover aspect.

I think thanks to the Revolution controller Red Steel will be like a coming out party for "light gun games", for lack of a better word. Basically it'll play along some of the same formulas but thanks ot the Revmote Ubi can break the tether and have it as a fully explored action game.

A little like Metroid -> Prime in some ways, and I'm really looking forward to what Ubi can do - the development are not to be laughed at!

Barry Lewis [ nin10do :: General Writer :: Feature Writer :: Fountain of Industry Statistics ]
"We're mentalist psychic Scots, which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh."

Just to let y'all know, I've sorted out a preview of the title (first Revo preview, oooh) head yonder for a read of that. Also, added a link to the official site and put the logo in the games media album. Enjoy Smilie

Also, do we think that the guy from TimeSplitters and the guy from Red Steel have more than a passing resembalence? Just struck me the second I saw the first pictures...

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( Edited on 12.04.2006 18:14 by Mr. T )

Trying to think of a witty signature after 'Hacker-gate'...

Hehe, excellent Preview James! Smilie


Stuff Magazine Report

You'll also be able to point and shoot with a light gun, and Ubisoft is developing a way to use the controller as a sword, so by moving your hand around you can make like a Samurai warrior in your very own living room. Kill Bill indeed.

It's not a freaking light gun!Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Ignorance = most annoying thing ever.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

It might look like a light gun game with popping up characters at the moment because that's how the demo that Game Informer played was (supposedly). It won't be like that in the final game.

( Edited on 12.04.2006 18:10 by Mason )

stuff magazine=ninty haters, they think that psp is 'great for umd movies'ds is 'for kids' grrr

R e l b m u r g.d2t3 said:
Ignorance = most annoying thing ever.

Very true.

At least you haven't had to convince someone that the PS3 is not out in Egypt and that their dad won't be able to get one for them there.Smilie

That was grueling. Funny thoughSmilie

( Edited on 12.04.2006 21:36 by Tin Can Man )

1"We're mentalist psychic Scots , which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh."

Tin Can Man said:
R e l b m u r g.d2t3 said:Ignorance = most annoying thing ever.
Very true.At least you havent had to convince someone that the PS3 is not out in Egypt and that their dad wont be able to get one for them there.SmilieThat was grueling. Funny thoughSmilie( Edited on 12.04.2006 21:36 by Tin Can Man )

^ Hahaha Smilie ^ Thats hilarius.

Looks really good so far. The graphics look nice. Sounds like it has a good plot. And the control sounds very good. I guess we will have to wait and see though.

Can't wait until E3!!Smilie

( Edited on 13.04.2006 17:55 by Hawk )

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.

im slightly concerned at how the controls will work for this game actually.

Aiming with the controller is as simple as using a laser pointer. You point your hand at a target and hit the trigger on the underside of the controller to fire."
ok then that sounds great.
although splitscreen reduces the amount of onscreen space you are playing in, you don't have to make smaller movements

If this is the case then you dont actually point at where you want to shoot because if you did then you would have to make smaller movements with the controller due to the smaller screen size. aiming on red steel may feel a little odd then after playing some lightgun games. It sort of contradicts the first quote in my post.
Unlike other FPS games, which tie the camera and aiming together, Red Steel's camera follows your aim with a slight delay. If, for example, you point to the edge of the screen, the camera will turn to re-center on your view after a second. With the sensitivity of the controller, a standard FPS control would move too much, potentially making the player feel ill.

According to this then if you were to aim at the top of the screen the camera would then follow after a second but after that second you gun will now be in centre screen however you will still be pointing the controller up to the top of the screen, Huh?
And how the hell will turning around 180 degrees work?
Sources: mozlapunk

( Edited on 13.04.2006 18:05 by Erotic_Spider )

-Have you any idea what it's like to be a Fembot living in a Manbot's Manputer's world?

I can understand how it would work.....just can't explain it (so I guess I wasn't much help then)

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.

Z said:
Hopefully the AI will be up to scratch. A farcry AI would be great for me, FEAR would be only too good.

In the gameinformer Mag Campos Oriola said "the benchmark fo their intelligence and aggressiveness is the PC title fear." He also said "thanks to the contrloller doing anything less with the AI would make the game to easy" and from what i read the AI sounds exremely good Smilie

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.

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