Nintendo News | Rising Star Announces Rainbow Islands Revolution

By Adam Riley 04.04.2006

Rising Star Games has announced that it will breathe new life into a genuine arcade legend with the next game in the Revolution series of Nintendo DS updates to classic Taito titles. Rainbow Islands Revolution is set to take the classically refined gameplay of one of Taito's most respected titles and renovate it on new hardware for a new generation of videogamers.

Rainbow Islands endeared itself to an entire generation of gamers in the late 1980s with its delightful mix of intense platforming challenges, a delightfully cute visual style and, of course, a heavy emphasis on rainbow-firing action. Rainbow Islands Revolution takes these core elements and transposes them onto the Nintendo DS and its innovative hardware features.

The most significant adaptation is also the most revolutionary. The entire control method is now Touch Screen based, considerably altering the original's "run, rainbow, jump" gameplay. Bub or Bob now sit in an eternally floating bubble, moved around the levels by touching and dragging with the Nintendo DS stylus. The pacing and strategic possibilities afforded by such a radical change in the control system creates a re-interpretation that sits naturally on the two screened handheld and suits its unique hardware features perfectly - right down to the implementation of an all-new method for creating the game's signature rainbows.

Most excitingly, rainbows are now drawn directly onto the field of play, which brings an entirely new dynamic to the classic design. The freedom and power of this new rainbow method has been tempered by restricting the rainbow length, although this can be extended by picking up certain powerups that will be familiar to players of the original. Further alterations to the rainbow system include the ability to use rainbows to trap enemies

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