DS Media | Nintendo Release More Mother 3 Screens

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.04.2006 4

With the highly anticipated release of HAL/Nintendo's Mother 3 towards the end of April, Nintendo have released a selection of excellent screenshots. Fancy large exotic plants, odd shaped monkeys and the lead role, Lucas? Read on...

Mother 3 (Earthbound 2) is the third in the series in development for the GameBoy advance after the previous project was cancelled (Earthbound 64) in 2000. In recent updates, the company also recently detailed two of the main characters, one of which we presume is the lead role. The prime focus revolves around two twin brothers, Lucas and Claus. Lucas is the younger and more relaxed of the pair, with his slightly older brother's role currently unknown.

Nintendo have released a fine selection of screenshots on the official website earlier today. The simply ooze detail, quality and great fun.

Unfortunately a western release is currently unknown but for those wishing to import, Mother 3 launches in Japan on April 20th.

Stick with C3 for future updates.

Box art for Mother 3 (Earthbound 2)





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Aw.. poor Ness... where is he?

I love the way Nintendo are releasing this 11 year in the making title for the GBA after a presumed 3D approach, just to reassure the masses the GBA aint going nowhere. I dont think Nintendo could possibly produce the ammount of cartridges needed to satisfy every Mother 3 intended recipient.

Holy fork those are nice! Well... Some of them

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

To those of you unaware of the series, I should mention that its odd "outdated" style of graphics is a big part of the series. Some would even say its those short-hand graphics that makes it so special.

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