Nintendo Revolution | Pikmin 3 Confirmed for Launch

By James Temperton 01.04.2006 23

For some time now we've been hearing some whisperings about a possible Pikmin game for the Revolution, but after some long-term pestering and investigating we can finally bring you what seems to be confirmation. During the GDC, we were put in touch with a representative for Nintendo (a translator) at the event who is also a close friend of Pikmin director Shigefumi Hino. The contact whom worked at NCL for nearly a decade had the following to say to Cubed3: "A game directed by Shigefumi Hino and his team will be a launch title for the Revolution."

Obviously we asked our contact to clarify if this would be Pikmin, he replied, "The title is indeed running on the Pikmin engine but with some [major] changes. It is some way into development and will certainly be a sequel to a GameCube title". So basically, Pikmin 3 will launch with the Revolution. We have also been told that it will be online and voice controlled in places.

Over the last few weeks we have chased up the lead and found out the following; Shigefumi Hino and the team that works with him (part of Nintendo's EAD unit) have not been confirmed to be working on a title since the launch of Pikmin 2, significant investment and resources have been allocated to the team (they have certainly been working on something), Miyamoto-san has already confirmed that he has the basic idea for Pikmin 3 in his mind and is ready to implement it.

Like it or not, Pikmin was a very inventive and exciting game on the GameCube and will surely make itself at home on the Revolution in whatever form it takes. We have also been told that the game WILL be shown at E3 in full working order and that it will be one of the key Revolution launch titles. As one of the senior directors in Nintendo's largest development houses, this will be a major new piece of work from Hino-san and a further collaboration with Miyamoto-san. Everything will probably be kept quiet until E3, but at least you can now sleep safe in the knowledge that the game exists.

Stay tuned!


We couldn't resist, so April Fools to everyone who fell for it. Consider yourselves duped. But hey, the possibility of a Pikmin game being shown for the Revolution at E3 are strong (all the facts we named are true, just not the insider comments). Sorry to anyone that got their hopes up and will now hate us forever.

With a whole lot of Cubed3 Loving,

The Cubed3 Motley Crew.

Box art for Pikmin 3








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Awesome, an exclusive!
Consider yourselves linked on the Revolutionreport forums!

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Some amazing detective work here by the staff, kudos.

Guest 01.04.2006#3

I fell for it!

Fell for what?

Guest 01.04.2006#5

April fools.

Very very awesome, I think.

April fool? Seems to make sense to me.

Indeed, if it was an april fool, it would need to be funny no?

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.


Cos so many people give a cr@p about Pikmin...

yes, april first does indeed sucke my friend (good one)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Duffman ~~~~~~~~~
"If you make yourself really small, you can externalize virtually everything", Daniel Dennett

gayes april fool joke i could have done better and then you dont have to tell us thats april fool joke until like tomarrow or monday

I was just playing along.......honest.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Isnt it more of a likely hood? Sorry, I just dont feel "got".

We wanted to go more down the realistic / subtle route Smilie

Barry Lewis [ nin10do :: General Writer :: Feature Writer :: Fountain of Industry Statistics ]
"We're mentalist psychic Scots, which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh."

Why, I oughta..

lol, yeah. The subtle route is far more satisfying.

Good one, last years was a corker too. Smilie

Once in a lifetime.

hehe. last years was a total classic. I got sucked in bad, but not this year!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Duffman ~~~~~~~~~
"If you make yourself really small, you can externalize virtually everything", Daniel Dennett
Guest 02.04.2006#20

Yeah Grumbler, you fell for it alright!
I forgot what happened last year though?

Last year there was a very obvious Fool about Smash Bros DS, and then a very subtle one about Nintendo moving their EU offices to London that pretty much everyone fell for.

I love April Fools - I was tracking them on Slashdot all yesterday. Great fun.

Aye, the NoE one did rock. Next year we shall pull the ultimate April Fools on your ass Smilie

Trying to think of a witty signature after 'Hacker-gate'...
jason (guest) 18.08.2011#23

Stupid fool i got all the ideas for pikmin 3 blue pikmin - drinks water , brown pikmin-loves mud , yellowpikmin- spits out eltricity , red pikmin -volcanic and spits fire , volcanic pikmin can pik up volcanic rocks , orange pikmin can jump 9,10 as high , Green pikmin can hid in grass with A, lightblue pikmin can hide and be 20C in water purple/white merged with pikmin2 , wood pikmin they eat wood , shadow pikmin Scares enemies hides in shadows , pink pikmin 4times posion 8)Smilie

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