Nintendo News | Commodore 64 on Revolution Virtual Console?

By Adam Riley 31.03.2006 11

There has been a lot of debate going on since the announcement of the Hudson/NEC Turbo Graphix and Sega Genesis/MegaDrive games being included in Nintendo's Virtual Console plans and decided to push some more on the subject. Below is an interesting little snippet from the interview with Beth Llewelyn, Nintendo America's Senior Director of PR:

Next Gen: Tell us about the decision to extend the library of games for the Virtual Console.

Beth Llewelyn: It's an exciting way to build up the library. We certainly have a great library of legacy games and it adds excitement to add Sega's in as well.

NG: Where will it end. Commodore 64 games?

BL: Everyone is asking that! Who knows. There are discussions going on all the time behind closed doors.

To check out the rest of the interview: click here

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Is teh C64 lika M$ copy of N64 or some shhit like dat?

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

bleh most c64 games are pretty bad but it is a pretty big retro scene and theres lots of fans.

Hey, there were a lot of decent C64 games, even if they were extremely basic! Bring it on, basically! Smilie

Commadore games would rock!

Sale them for 10p-50p each or something.

Sure, lots were rubbish.

But Mercenary:Escape from Targ is mind blowing in scale and concept even today.

Amiga games would be good, then we could have the games solid-polygon based sequal. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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One word: Paradroid

"This man has advanced communist views ... He dresses in a bohemian fashion both at his office and in his leisure hours."

Cool Smilie
There is no reason not to be a revo.

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

Cool, C64 games without the loading times + dodgy cassettes could be worth a revisit.

Scrabble here I come!!

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

This is major, I would love to re-visit some of those old games.

Yes they were basic but some were truly addictive and very fun to play.

This is major, I would love to re-visit some of those old games.

Yes they were basic but some were truly addictive and very fun to play.

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