Nintendo News | Success Working On Two New DS RPGs

By Adam Riley 08.03.2006

Clearly spurred on by the impressive sales of its simple, yet addictive Nintendo DS puzzle game Zoo Keeper, Japanese company Success has announced it is working on not one, but two new RPGs for the touch / dual-screen portable platform.

First up is the revelation of Izuna, of which there is no information available, but it appears to be similar to the Mana series in the screenshots that have been revealed so far.

Next is the latest announcement in Japan's Famitsu magazine about Metal Saga heading to the DS as well. Originally starting out as Metal Max on the NES and appearing also on the SNES and GBA, Success transformed the series into an RPG in the form of Metal Saga on the PlayStation 2. Now, however, the franchise is due to return to the Nintendo fold in June of this year.

Stick with C3 for further updates...

Box art for Metal Saga DS
Also known as

Metal Saga: Hagane no Kisetsu






Turn Based RPG



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European release date None   North America release date None   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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