New Screenshots | Teenage Mutant Celro Power?

By Lee Sanders 05.05.2003 1

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Game Data

First shots of this long awaited Turtle game
The first images of the upcoming turtle game have hit the web. The game is apparently going to be cell-shaded!

Our Japanese collegues over at Quitter today unveiled the first images of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for the next-gen consoles. The site scanned them from an American magazine. No further information was given with the screens.
The screens do unveil that the game will be a cel-shaded game. Quite a good choice as it makes the game look closest to the original cartoon.

It looks very nice indeed. It gives the game that comic book or TV cartoon style. Hopefully this will be a side scroller like say Streets Of Rage. We loved that game. Fingers crossed this is brilliant!


There are ( 2 ) screenshots below:


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