Nintendo News | Lego Star Wars II In Development

By Mike Mason 11.02.2006

In news that may excite any players of the previous game, Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy is now in development for Gamecube, DS, GBA and all other major formats. It looks set to follow the ideals of the original, with platforming, puzzling, co-op mayhem all in an easily accessible package.

As you might guess from the title, the sequel will be set during the times of the original three Star Wars movies (IV - VI), bringing with it a handful of new characters - over 50, to be more precise. In addition, if you played the original on the Gamecube and do the same with this, you'll be able to import over all the characters from the original to bring the total to around the 100 mark. Character creation, by mixing and matching parts from characters you've collected, is also possible, raising the possibilities even higher.

On the console version, there will be a 2-player co-op as last time, but on DS there will be an expanded multi-cart co-op mode hosting up to 4 players, with a versus mode if only one player has the cartridge.

Characters who aren't droids are also free to enter and exit any vehicle they want, leading to new possibilities such as using the Millennium Falcon to accomplish the famous 'trench run' from the original movie. A whole host of new Force and melee moves are also promised.

Thanks go to Joystiq for the information.

You can read our review of the original GBA Lego Star Wars here:

Lego Star Wars (GBA) Review

Stick with Cubed3 for more information as it comes...

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