Revolution News | Resident Evil DS Producer Working On Title

By Mike Mason 17.01.2006

Computer and Video Games are reporting that Capcom's Minoru Nakai, producer of Resident Evil: Deadly Silence, is working on a new game for the Nintendo Revolution.

Nakai says that it is not a Resident Evil game, but that the game in development may give them the experience deemed necessary to take the franchise onto Nintendo's system. He also feels that the unique controller could give the series a big step forward, as the new viewpoint and other features did for Resident Evil 4, and stop players getting tired of the gameplay.

Nakai also suggests that they want to develop a game other than a Resident Evil franchise game so that they are all familiar with the system before putting Resident Evil onto it prematurely.

There was no mention of an appearance of Resident Evil 5 on Nintendo's next generation system, but there seems to be some admiration from Nakai for the system if he is hinting that the next game to change the franchise will be on the Revolution.

Stick with Cubed3 for more news as it comes.

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