Whilst people are busy to write-off the GameCube long before the Revolution successor hits the world scene, Nintendo has other thoughts. The RPG prequel to the mixed-reviewed Baten Kaitos is set to launch in Japan in the first half of 2006, and IGN's GameCube channel is reporting that sources close to Namco, Nintendo will not only be publishing the Japanese version, but translating and releasing it in the US during 2006. If this turns out to be true, which in all honesty should be the case, it will also inevitably make it to Europe within a similar time-frame to bolster sales in this transitional period.
Developed by Monolith Software, the team behind Xenosaga and consisting of members who previously worked on the Chrono series for Squaresoft, Baten Kaitos 2 is a card-based RPG set twenty years prior to the original outing. You take control of Sagi, an elite fighter for the Empire on a long, perilous journey to uncover the source of the detrimental changes in the world.
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