Mother 3 | On GBA Not GC! Following on from our article on the Mother 1+2 update (Read It Here!), some new details have surfaced with regards to the much-touted Mother 3. The game was originally in development for the Nintendo 64, but will now be adapted GameBoy Advance, rather than the GameCube. According to Nintendo representatives, development on the game will be overseen by famed series producer Shigesato Itoi. The storyline of Mother 3 is expected to follow Itoi-san's original plan. However, due to developer resource limitations, the project would take too long to conduct on the GameCube, therefore will be scaled down to fit on the humble GameBoy Advance. Obvious knock-on effects from this move will include significant graphical and character changes. Speaking about the decision to bring the game back into the development cycle, Itoi-san said: "When I had decided to convert Mother 1+2 to the GameBoy Advance, I realized there would be pressure to revive development on Mother 3 as well. Naturally, I was opposed to the idea at first. I wanted to create something truly special with Mother 3 and that's partially why it was delayed and eventually canceled. There were ideas to write a book or produce a movie based on the story for Mother 3, but those turned out to be impossible as well. Due to continued encouragement and for the fans who never gave up, I can finally say Mother 3 is going to happen on the GameBoy Advance. It will be based on my original story and development is progressing steadily. I'm sure people are wondering what they can expect and when it will be available, and we hope to answer some of those questions in our next announcement." Although many may be disappointed by the fact that the latest in the series will not be a graphical beast on the GameCube, it needs to be remembered that the game is likely to be just as epic despite being on the GameBoy Advance. After all, it's not the graphics that make the game, is it?! Anyone that has played the NES or SNES Mother titles will definitely know this... Please post your comments below! Source:[XenGamers]