INSiGHT: Cosplay Con Scotland

By Lilly Kirchner 28.07.2024

Conventions are a great opportunity to showcase our love for popular media, and more often than not, this includes dressing up as favourite characters from TV, anime or video games. While this is a good way to meet others with similar interests, cosplaying in itself is a specific art form that deserves recognition, and with it becoming more and more popular, more people are interested in trying it.

Image for INSiGHT: Cosplay Con Scotland

Cosplaying can be difficult however - sourcing materials and props to become someone else is not always easy, and so, it is even more important to become part of the community to share knowledge and ideas with one another. Perhaps this was why Laura came up with the idea of organising a convention whose focus is purely on cosplay. With that, the very first Cosplay Con Scotland took place on the 13th July in Glasgow, and Cubed3 was right there to report back!

Image for INSiGHT: Cosplay Con Scotland

The event was held at the Double Tree by Hilton Glasgow Central, which is a fantastic venue to choose, as it is easily accessible from the main train or bus stations and offers a variety of rooms to use. Early bird ticket holders were able to enter at 11 o'clock, but day tickets were also available from 12 o'clock onwards. Those who purchased their tickets way in advance received a special envelope upon entry, with stickers, raffle tickets and a chance to win prizes - a fantastic idea! The cloakroom, which was free of charge, enabled visitors to leave their belongings in a safe place so they could enjoy the convention without lugging around those pesky things like jackets, bags or coats.

Image for INSiGHT: Cosplay Con Scotland

Being the very first con of its kind in Scotland, it was very small but still incredibly impressive and fun to attend! It was clear that the organiser went all out to try and get anyone and anything connected to cosplay involved. A small number of workshops were organised for visitors to attend, all centred around how to make cosplays or how to edit cosplay photography. These are specific skills that are difficult to learn, and in such a niche community it can be tricky to find information. Additionally, the workshops also offered an opportunity to network with other professionals in Scotland.

Image for INSiGHT: Cosplay Con Scotland

One of the main highlights was definitely the professional photography setup by Nightmare Fuel. The team, consisting of photographer Drew Cunningham, SFX make-up artist Sophie Wilson and Max the Dog (which was not present but has to be mentioned!), was all prepared and ready to take some truly professional shots of cosplayers, and this was included in the ticket price!

Image for INSiGHT: Cosplay Con Scotland

Particularly exciting was that the team took their time for every cosplayer, providing props and make-up, and made everyone feel special for a few minutes that day. We definitely had a fantastic time posing for photographs with Nightmare Fuel's professional guidance!

Image for INSiGHT: Cosplay Con Scotland

Other highlights of the event included the merchant space and the stage, which were in the same area but still sufficiently separated to not impose on one another. While performances by idol groups entertained some visitors on the main stage, others were busy perusing the stalls in the market hall. From handmade soaps shaped like Blathers or Evee to handcrafted plushies, there was a lot to see! This also included groups advertising costume making courses, prop-makers and re-enactment groups, which doubled as great photography opportunities, as well. It was a little quiet, and it would have been great to see some bigger companies there to show support for the cosplay community. This is to say that, while the organisers contacted a lot of retailers and organisations, sadly only a handful decided to attend. 

Image for INSiGHT: Cosplay Con Scotland

What would a cosplay con be without a cosplay competition? Cosplayers were asked to sign up on the day, and the prejudging of cosplays happened before the actual cosplay contest. While only handmade cosplays were allowed to enter the competition for prizes, the masquerade was open to everyone brave enough to show off their cosplay on stage! Starting with the under 18s, there was a truly huge amount of cosplayers walking the stage, each and everyone donning fantastic outfits! After the masquerade, the competitive part began. Here, some truly marvellous outfits were presented to audience and judges - it can't have been easy to decide on the winners!

Image for INSiGHT: Cosplay Con Scotland

Particularly clever was the inclusion of a relaxed area, which allowed anyone to take a well deserved break. Tables and chairs were available for sitting down, and a handful of boardgames were available for entertainment. There was water and cups so anyone could stay safe and hydrated - overall, this room was a fantastic idea and should be available at every convention.

Image for INSiGHT: Cosplay Con Scotland

Speaking of safety, safetyspacescot was available with free snacks and drinks to ensure cosplayers were able to stay safe and hydrated. This little and brand-new organisation made it its mission to support cosplayers at cons to ensure safety for everyone, something which can only be encouraged! In general, it was clear that accessibility was an important aspect of Cosplay Con Scotland, which was really great to see. It allowed more cosplayers to attend and show off their skills, which was fantastic!

Image for INSiGHT: Cosplay Con Scotland

Cosplay Con Scotland was not only planned and executed incredibly well, it was also a fantastic idea in the first place. All the little details, such as the photography, the variety of guests or the availability of a break room, made this event very special. It was very clear that a lot of thought, love and hard work was put into hosting the event, and we hope to be able to see a second one next year!

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