NEO Magazine Issue 228

By Sandy Kirchner-Wilson 11.04.2023

NEO magazine's latest issue covers as much Japanese pop culture as possible, and they have some amazing features. Expect anime, manga, film, and music coverage as well as some killer recipes and extras.

Featured on the cover of this month's issue is Tower of God, the anime adaption of Lee Jong-Hui's extremely popular South Korean webtoon. Its 6-page spread covers everything readers could possibly need to know preceding the Blu-ray release of season 1 as well as a lot of little titbits of information, such as South Korea's conscription programme. There is also a 2.5-page spread covering the legacy left by Leiji Matsumoto who died in February. He was the creator of the seminal Star Blazers series among many other Sci-Fi hits. This touching tribute is a really interesting read for fans of the genre. As well as these there is the release schedule for new anime, manga and more and a great many reviews and articles exploring not just current but also older anime series.

Image for NEO Magazine Issue 228

In terms of cultural information, this month highlights Hōnensai, a tradition in Japan where they celebrate fertility with somewhat less sweet symbols than rabbits… Here, the editor is perhaps a little hard on the puns which gets a little long in the tooth, but when dealing with a festival of phallus, it's easy to see how things get so silly. It's a very interesting little article however and may shock some of the readership who don't already know about it! Outside of that there are a selection of Korean recipes to make in this issue, from Kimchi stew to fried chicken, everything sounds delectable. As spring has started, Sakura blossoms will be popping up all over Japan and the Sakura season will begin. To celebrate this, NEO presents, via its partnership with JapanCentre, a selection of Sakura themed goodies that, as long as they are in stock, can be purchased easily in the UK.

For lovers of Kung Fu cinema, there is a killer feature covering Enter the Dragon and its somewhat rocky history. The writer clearly did a lot of research so there are tons of information for fans of the movie who may not be well versed in its history. Alongside shorter reviews and articles for more live action, there is a small selection of game reviews and adverts this month, including Metroid Prime Remastered, which our colleague Neil gave a staggering 10/10, and Kirby's Return to Dreamland, which our JB gave a 9/10. There are also a couple of competitions, one of which is to win a special copy of Mato: Anomalies which is shaping up to be a very interesting title. 

This month's manga highlights Titan King vol. 2 by Tony Dawkins, published by Saturday AM. This series is full of action and embodies the Tournament setting that is so popular in the media. NEO has a great rundown of the series before featuring the excerpt which highlights inspirations and the story of the series right from the mouth of the Mangaka. The artwork on show is very impressive and readers are presented with a beefy preview of the series. 

It's another bumper issue from the minds behind NEO and it comes highly recommended to those interested in Japan, anime, games, and music. There is always something interesting to learn in an issue of NEO. 

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