Unboxing Aeterna Noctis Chaos Edition

By Sandy Kirchner-Wilson 21.11.2022 3

Join Sandy as he opens the Aeterna Noctis Chaos Edition. This copy was graciously provided to Cubed3 by the publisher SelectaPlay.


This edition comes packed with extras including:

  • A big artsy collectors box,
  • a copy of the game,
  • steelbook box,
  • Bandcamp Piano OST download code,
  • the full 3 disc soundtrack,
  • two clear art cards,
  • and a big hardback art book.
It's a great collection at its £84.99 asking price and is available to order at GAME in the uk.

Image for Unboxing Aeterna Noctis Chaos Edition

Will you be picking up Aeterna Noctis on Nintendo Switch, or any other platform? Let us know in the comments!

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Dang thats pretty cool.  I hope we get a code for this game if we havent already.  More games need this, I hope we can start getting some more phsysical copies of games.

Dragon0085 said:
Dang thats pretty cool.  I hope we get a code for this game if we havent already.  More games need this, I hope we can start getting some more phsysical copies of games.

i reviewed this one a while back. this was the longest and most difficult metroidvania i ever played. really intense- not for the faint of heart.

Insanoflex said:

Dragon0085 said:
Dang thats pretty cool.  I hope we get a code for this game if we havent already.  More games need this, I hope we can start getting some more phsysical copies of games.

i reviewed this one a while back. this was the longest and most difficult metroidvania i ever played. really intense- not for the faint of heart.

I agree, the game is slick and pretty but it really doesn't let you make mistakes in the later game XD It's such a cool edition though!

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