Feature: Glass to the Wall Episode 97 - The Game Awards, Super Smash Bros. and more!

By Neil Flynn 15.12.2020 4

Feature: Glass to the Wall Episode 97 - The Game Awards, Super Smash Bros. and more! on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Neil Flynn is back with his team of expert podcasters, Luke Hemming, Sandy Kirchner-Wilson and Mike McCann in episode 97 of Glass to the Wall.

The biggest announcement from The Game Awards 2020 was the appearance of Final Fantasy VII villain, Sephiroth in Super Smash Bros Ultimate. The team also discuss;

  • Has The Game Awards become the new E3
  • Activision and EA presence on the Nintendo Switch
  • Cyberpunk 2077's terrible launch
  • Accents in video games

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Last of us 2 best game of the year?  Thats a joke.  Go to metacritic and all the 'professional' review sites give it absolutely glowing reviews (not ONE negative review out of +100).  Yet the fan reviews have over 30,000 negative reviews.

Things that make you go 'hmm...'

Dragon0085 said:
Last of us 2 best game of the year?  Thats a joke.  Go to metacritic and all the 'professional' review sites give it absolutely glowing reviews (not ONE negative review out of +100).  Yet the fan reviews have over 30,000 negative reviews.

Things that make you go 'hmm...'

I guess it just depends on who has played what over the course of the year. For example I've not played Animal Crossing, FF7 or TLOU2! 

I think whatever wiins awards people always raise eyebrows. 

Flynnie said:

Dragon0085 said:
Last of us 2 best game of the year?  Thats a joke.  Go to metacritic and all the 'professional' review sites give it absolutely glowing reviews (not ONE negative review out of +100).  Yet the fan reviews have over 30,000 negative reviews.

Things that make you go 'hmm...'

I guess it just depends on who has played what over the course of the year. For example I've not played Animal Crossing, FF7 or TLOU2! 

I think whatever wiins awards people always raise eyebrows. 

The thing is that, unlike Animal Crossing, Doom Eternal, and Ghost of Tsusima, TLoU2 didn't sattisfy most people who played it, at least judging from Metacritic.

I'm one of those who enjoyed it, but the rest are far better IMO

Can't a fella drink in peace?

Ofisil said:

Flynnie said:

Dragon0085 said:
Last of us 2 best game of the year?  Thats a joke.  Go to metacritic and all the 'professional' review sites give it absolutely glowing reviews (not ONE negative review out of +100).  Yet the fan reviews have over 30,000 negative reviews.

Things that make you go 'hmm...'

I guess it just depends on who has played what over the course of the year. For example I've not played Animal Crossing, FF7 or TLOU2! 

I think whatever wiins awards people always raise eyebrows. 

The thing is that, unlike Animal Crossing, Doom Eternal, and Ghost of Tsusima, TLoU2 didn't sattisfy most people who played it, at least judging from Metacritic.

I'm one of those who enjoyed it, but the rest are far better IMO

All about the money and partnerships I guess. With that said its hard to know how they make their decision. Personally I wouldn't take away ones experience with a game based on others experiences. 

Luke for example stands by Cyberpunk 2077 despite widespread outcry about performance bugs.

As for TLOU, I've not actually played the first one, let alone the 2nd! I'm so out of the loop haha.

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