News: PS5s and Over 100 PlayStation Prizes Up for Grabs!

By Neil Flynn 11.12.2020

News: PS5s and Over 100 PlayStation Prizes Up for Grabs! on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

To celebrate the launch of the PS5, GAME and PlayStation have teamed up for a real-life Easter Egg hunt 

UK retailer GAME and PlayStation have teamed up to reward the players and celebrate the launch of the PS5 by giving away over 100 PlayStation prizes, including four brand-new PS5 bundles, in the form of an Easter Egg hunt on GAME's website. They have created an engaging video to explain the competition, which can be viewed below.

The Easter eggs will be hidden on GAME's website across five dates in December, disguised as PlayStation's iconic triangle, circle, cross and square shapes. 

These will be hidden for two hours on each of the below dates. 

The competition has been going on since Monday 7th December but there is still time to get involved. Easter Eggs will be hidden between 15:00 GMT and 17:00 GMT on the following days: 

Tuesday 15th December  
Thursday 17th December

Players will have to search hard and be fast to locate the PlayStation Shapes Easter eggs. The Easter eggs will only be hidden on the website for two hours, and they could be located on any one of GAME's 1000+ website pages (who said this would be easy?!) 

Thankfully, like all video games, there is a shortcut. Just keep an eye on GAME's Twitter and Facebook pages, where the team will be posting clues on where these Easter eggs are hidden. 

There are over £10,000 of PlayStation prizes up for grab, including four brand-new PS5 console bundles, PS5 accessory bundles, and physical versions and codes for the hottest PS5 titles.  

Find the PlayStation Shapes during the competition times to enter

Once players have discovered one of the PlayStation Shapes Easter eggs, they'll need to click it. They'll then be taken to the prize entry page. From there, all they'll need to do is enter their contact information to be in with a chance of winning. 

For more information on the PlayStation Shapes Easter Egg hunt, including T&Cs, please click here. 

Are you going to participate? Let us know in the comments below!

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