News: Nintendo Unveils New Mario Games for 35th Celebration

By Neil Flynn 03.09.2020 12

News: Nintendo Unveils New Mario Games for 35th Celebration on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo has unveiled its Super Mario 35th plans with a 16-minute YouTube video announcing new Mario-themed merchandise, games and crossovers.

The announcements range from things released today, all the way up until Spring 2021.

To find out more, watch the latest Nintendo video:


What will you be adding to your collection? Let us know in the comments!

UPDATE: Available for pre-order at the Nintendo UK Store -

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September 18 feels so far away.

I'll be buying a lot of the stuff announced here, but I need to know prices.

3D collection is a must, even more so that it is limited.

Mario Kart looks great but I don't have the space for it as such, I can imagine that is going to be close to £130. I'd be intrigued to know the prices.

The Game and Watch unit looks great, although I am probably a little price sensitive on this! 

Our member of the week

Haven't found a single place to preorder 3D All Stars from other than Amazon Germany who conveniently won't deliver to my country...

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

RudyC3 said:
Haven't found a single place to preorder 3D All Stars from other than Amazon Germany who conveniently won't deliver to my country...

Can you get it from the Nintendo UK Store -

After seeing so many fan updates of SM64, seeing Nintendo's lack of effort here made me want to cry...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses
Our member of the week

Flynnie said:

RudyC3 said:
Haven't found a single place to preorder 3D All Stars from other than Amazon Germany who conveniently won't deliver to my country...

Can you get it from the Nintendo UK Store -

They conveniently don't ship to anywhere BUT the UK, sadly. Same for Amazon UK (for this game at least). Same for Amazon Deutschland.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer
Our member of the week

jesusraz said:
After seeing so many fan updates of SM64, seeing Nintendo's lack of effort here made me want to cry...

You get updated textures and upscaled HUD elements though, that's "something". What I was really wishing for though was SM64 and Super Mario Sunshine running at 60FPS but from the look of their capture, that doesn't seem to be the case. Heck, I can run Sunshine at 60FPS on my softmodded Wii with a simple code, it's not even that hard.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

60fps would have been brilliant. I'd think it's the least we should expect in remasters/ports of games as old as these today. So that's a shame. That said, I'm really glad we get to have a legit way to buy and play such games on current hardware. I fully believe in preserving video games as much as possible... And then Nintendo does the bizarre and makes them time-limited releases. I know it will entice people to splash the cash immediately, but why limit games at all, and in turn limit the money they can make off them?

I could go on all day about finding it so strange Nintendo doesn't do more to bring its old greats to Switch, and how I'm still frustrated that NES/SNES games are tied to an online subscription... But I won't :p

I hope a Zelda collection comes out in the future. Although does that mean we would get Ocarina of Time in all its 20fps glory? XD

The Mario anniversary collection on Wii was time-limited, as well, but I think it just about managed to sell a million copies in Japan during that time. It's a smart business move.

Has anyone tried SMA on NSO yet?

Totally agree about the frame-rate matter. Why update certain parts but not that? Smilie

Zelda predictions for next year:

- Classic collection (OoT, Master Quest, MM)
- NSO updates to include the Satellaview Zelda content, first time in English,
- Oracle of Ages and Seasons remade á la Link's Awakening, with elements of the cancelled Mystical Seed of Courage included,
- LEGO Zelda,
- Game & Watch with Zelda I + II and Flagman ft. Link
- Wind Waker & TP HD double-pack + extra content,
- Skyward Sword remaster + extra content.

How's that for optimistic? Smilie Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

jesusraz said:
The Mario anniversary collection on Wii was time-limited, as well, but I think it just about managed to sell a million copies in Japan during that time. It's a smart business move.

Has anyone tried SMA on NSO yet?

Totally agree about the frame-rate matter. Why update certain parts but not that? Smilie

Zelda predictions for next year:

- Classic collection (OoT, Master Quest, MM)
- NSO updates to include the Satellaview Zelda content, first time in English,
- Oracle of Ages and Seasons remade á la Link's Awakening, with elements of the cancelled Mystical Seed of Courage included,
- LEGO Zelda,
- Game & Watch with Zelda I + II and Flagman ft. Link
- Wind Waker & TP HD double-pack + extra content,
- Skyward Sword remaster + extra content.

How's that for optimistic? Smilie Smilie

Metroid predictions for next year;

Classic collection - Metroid (+Zero Mission), Metroid II, Super Metroid, Metroid Fusion
Super Metroid Remake ala Metroid II (3DS) (Terrible idea)
Metroid Dread
LEGO Metroid
Game and Watch with Metroid
Metroid Prime Trilogy
Metroid Other M remaster

and the one we've all been hoping for....
Metroid Prime Federation Force 2!

Really good suggestions... I'll try not to get my hopes up too much D:

I think we have the foundation of a good article here... Suggestions for future game anniversaries! Or at least one just for Zelda next year.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

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