First Impressions as LEGO Super Mario Hits Shelves!

By Neil Flynn 02.08.2020 6

First Impressions as LEGO Super Mario Hits Shelves! on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

LEGO Super Mario has finally hit the shelves. LEGO Super Mario was first announced in April 2020 after four years in the making, much to the surprise of the gaming world. Neil Flynn has gone out and bought a few of the additional character packs.

Find out his first impressions in the video below.

Have you purchased LEGO Super Mario yet? What are your first thoughts? Let us know in the comments below!

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Great stuff, Neil - really enjoyed watching that, and pleased you managed to get three different character packs. £3.49 would be fine, but if you ended up with two of the same it might sting a bit.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Great review. You've definitely sold me on Yoshi and the blind bags,

I'm SO torn on these. I'll be getting them for my boy regardless, but I really wanted something like the many LEGO modulars I have, a full size castle or the like and a minifig series instead of the brick build blind bags.

Now that LEGO has the licence and the NES is out (trying to justify the cost of that atm) I'm hoping we see more and more!

Our member of the week

I can imagine Neil sweating bullets by the 35°C+ we got of late, trying to assemble these things ^^.

Good job Flynnie!

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Well...I went a bit overboard, went back and picked up two more sets (Desert Pokey and Whomp's Lava Trouble) and another blind bag, plus my starter kit turned up on a Sunday!

jesusraz said:
Great stuff, Neil - really enjoyed watching that, and pleased you managed to get three different character packs. £3.49 would be fine, but if you ended up with two of the same it might sting a bit.

I went back for a 4th and also got a Spiny. So I've been dead lucky. In one way its ok if you do get multiples of a character as it means that you have more enemies to stomp on one way or another. I have multiple goombas now through the various sets I have.
Sasari said:
Great review. You've definitely sold me on Yoshi and the blind bags,

I'm SO torn on these. I'll be getting them for my boy regardless, but I really wanted something like the many LEGO modulars I have, a full size castle or the like and a minifig series instead of the brick build blind bags.

Now that LEGO has the licence and the NES is out (trying to justify the cost of that atm) I'm hoping we see more and more!

I haven't played with LEGO since I was a kid and enjoyed building these. Nothing taxing about it but quite theraputic nonetheless. For £3.49 the blind bags are ok, and for £18-£25 the other sets aren't that bad considering the other licenced LEGO stuff tends to be pretty much in that ball park as well.

Smyths have an exlusive set by the way -

Plus I never saw this listed until the other day, not even Nintendo UK Store have it -

(Lol, they even left the words "Hard to find" in the title!)

RudyC3 said:
I can imagine Neil sweating bullets by the 35°C+ we got of late, trying to assemble these things ^^.

Good job Flynnie!

It was so hot in that room! Much cooler now!

Ah I've used LEGO for mindfulness for years and years now, really helps, but it's resulted in me with mountains of the stuff. Thankfully my son came along and I've been able to start passing lots of it on, now I focus on big sets like the modular houses and the like but was over the moon to hear of this, then instantly disappointed that I couldn't go building huge Koopa Castles or the like.

Sasari said:
Ah I've used LEGO for mindfulness for years and years now, really helps, but it's resulted in me with mountains of the stuff. Thankfully my son came along and I've been able to start passing lots of it on, now I focus on big sets like the modular houses and the like but was over the moon to hear of this, then instantly disappointed that I couldn't go building huge Koopa Castles or the like.

Well you can, you just need to put a fair bit of money behind it.

Although it doesn't look that big. Compared to things like the NES or Old Trafford sets that are out there.

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