News: Sakura Wars Demon Conflict Trailer

By Neil Flynn 14.04.2020

News: Sakura Wars Demon Conflict Trailer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Sakura Wars is set to hit western shores on 28th April 2020 for the PlayStation 4, to build up hype for the new title a sparkly fresh trailer has dropped on YouTube, titled - "Demon Conflict"

As the Imperial Combat Revue prepares to compete in the Combat Revue World Games, their challenge is far bigger than just themselves. As with every combat revue in the world, their true purpose is to protect their city from demons-hostile, grotesque creatures born from the anger and malice of human beings. Beyond their revenue-raising theater productions, the team has been training and getting their Type-3 Kobu Spiricle Armor and Mugen-class Spiricle Strikers combat-ready in order to bring the Flower Division back to its rightful role as Tokyo's venerable defense force. They will be forced into action as two greater demons have driven the citizens to the brink of despair, opening the dark realm and unleashing calamity upon them:

Oboro, whose warped mind derives great pleasure from traumatizing others. And, Yaksha, a mysterious yet powerful masked figure who bears a striking resemblance to a former star.
Are they behind the demonic invasion that is wreaking havoc across the Imperial Capital? It's up to the Flower Division and the other combat revues to track down these enigmatic figures, clear the demons out, and neutralize the source of the threat before it's too late. A final showdown is approaching! 


Be sure to visit the official Sakura Wars website to find out more about the various launch, standard and digital deluxe editions available.

Image for News: Sakura Wars Demon Conflict Trailer
Box art for Sakura Wars





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