Nintendo News | Pure Evil 2-Pack from Capcom

By Adam Riley 11.11.2004 1

Pure Evil 2-Pack...
...Nintendo & Capcom Work Their Magic!

People may think that Nintendo and Capcom's friendship is wearing a little thin after the recent announcement of Resident Evil 4 being ported to the Sony PlayStation 2 at the end of 2005 and supposedly coming to the XBOX as well at that time. However, just as a subtle reminder, and a nice way to squeeze some more cash out of gamers, there is a nice new bundle due to hit the US at the end of November.

Dubbed the 'Pure Evil 2-Pack', the Capcom remake of Resident Evil and the once-N64-bound Resident Evil Zero are to be packed together with a special preview treat of January 2005's GameCube launch of Resident Evil 4, the end of the current Resident Evil storyline. From 29th November, 2004, US gamers will be able to purchase two of the scariest GameCube titles on the market for the amazingly low price of $29.99 (~

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