INSiGHT: Nintendo Switch’s eShop Greats – 18th October 2018

By Neil Flynn 18.10.2018

Autumn is here and rather than watching a leaf changing colour it's a better idea to keep an eye on the Nintendo Switch eShop for a cost-cutting saving on tantalising titles. Here is what Cubed3 recommends this week.

Image for INSiGHT: Nintendo Switch’s eShop Greats – 18th October 2018

Ikaruga is the spiritual successor to the cult-classic to SEGA Saturn shooter Radiant Silvergun. Played on a 2D background with 3D graphics, which has become more commonplace in modern times, the Dreamcast's Ikaruga is remembered for its excellent play style and distinct mechanics. This is a title that should not be missed!

Shoot for the stars in Ikaruga and download this arcade action shooter now for £9.03 (saving 33%). Have a read of the full run down here.

Cave Story+ is a Metroidvania that has stood the test of time and the Nintendo Switch is quite simply the definitive version. Imaginative level design with charming characters and a poignant narrative Cave Story+ has added a level of polish that suits modern times and helps show why it is still a must-have title. Grab a piece of history at a bargain price, Cave Story + can be purchased for £13.49 (saving 50%).

Cave Story + is so great that it was reviewed not just once but actually twice!

The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+ has been described as edgy, strange and mature, but those are just a few adjectives to describe this epic masterpiece. The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+ is a top-down 2D rogue-like with a visual art style that has been described as crude, yet charming. Controlling similar to a twin-stick shooter, and with procedurally generated dungeons, there is plenty of challenge to be had.

The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+ is a welcome addition to any Nintendo Switch library and can be bought for £17.99 (saving 50%). Read the compelling review here.

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