The May edition's theme was Pew Pew, and the games included this were - as always - listed on the site when the theme was announced. Blizzard's ridiculously hot property, Overwatch, Nintendo's iconic series, Metroid, and Destiny 2 are all included; a surprisingly short list considering at least four titles are usually the norm.
First up, from Metroid, is a collectible known as the "World of Nintendo" series; these little collectible models have put out plenty of iconic characters from many of Nintendo's biggest series. It's a 2.5" Metroid that looks great, and will fit perfectly alongside any amiibo collection.
Next up, from Destiny 2, is an exclusive Ghost keychain. Pressing the eye plays one of four sounds captured from in the game. Thankfully, though, it doesn't play Peter Dinklage…
Finally, there is Overwatch and from this there are two items representing this monumentally popular game. This month's shirt is an exclusive Overwatch anniversary shirt, which gives an ensemble cast shot across the front. Also included is an Incredibuild model of D.Va's Meka. This is a wooden pop out model of surprising quality and size; it's a really great item. It can be left as a wooden display piece or customised into whatever skin is preferred.
Finally, this month's poster is the same image as this month's T-shirt, and the obligatory collectible diecast pin is a speech bubble with "Pew! Pew!" on it.
Overwatch collectors will be overjoyed with this month's box; the model kit and the T-shirt make it worth the cost alone. It would have been nice to see an exclusive World of Nintendo collectible instead of one that can be picked up anywhere, though. Join the team here at Cubed3 next month for the next round of goodies included in June's crate.