INSiGHT: MyM Magazine: Issue 69 (Review)

By Drew Hurley 17.12.2017

INSiGHT: MyM Magazine: Issue 69 (Review) on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

While MyM Magazine seems to have done away with traditional game reviews, it still keeps up to date with the latest and greatest games, and in evidence of that Lost Sphear is receiving the coveted cover spot this month. From the developer of the acclaimed I am Setsuna, this new, old-school JRPG looks to make big waves. The demo is available now on Sony and Nintendo platforms for those on the fence. This latest issue sees MyM talking with game director, Atsushi Hashimoto.

On the event coverage front, MCM's second biggest event of the year has recently been with MCM Birmingham Expo. There are a few little features from this event in the issue, including a two-page spread on some of the best cosplays from there and an interview with Pearl Mackie where she talks about the difficulties of keeping secrets on the set with the Doctor.

There was another big event in this period, the premiere anime event of the UK - Scotland Loves Anime. The UK has been lucky enough to receive a mass amount of Otaku goodness in the cinemas this year, with titles like A Silent Voice and In this Corner of the World, but anyone wanting to see the biggest and best up-and-coming anime movies needs to make the trip to this event. This year's event had a heck of a programme and MyM was on-hand to see it all.

Sticking with the anime, this month's reviews include a shonen blast from the past from Manga Entertainment as Dragon Ball Z Movie Collection 1 and Dragon Ball Z Movie Collection 2 are both out now. Meanwhile, All the Anime brings a diverse mix of series this month, including the latest instalment of Fairy Tail with Fairy Tail Collection 20, Netflix's original anime adaptation of Ajin: Demi-Human and KyoAni's mysterious Hyouka, amongst plenty more.

Christmas time has a new tradition synonymous with it - the release of a new Star Wars film. Excitement is at absolute fever pitch for Star Wars Episode VIII and MyM had the phenomenal opportunity to speak with The Last Jedi himself, Mark Hamill. This month's issue is worth its cost for this exclusive interview alone.

All this, along with tons more articles and features, including the usual cosplay photos and interviews with cosplayers, Dreamtoys 2017 top toy list, a big feature on Final Fantasy Dissidia NT, movie and comic reviews, and so much more… MyM Magazine issue 69 is available now from all good retailers.

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