Call of Duty: WWII Details & First Trailer

By Adam Riley 26.04.2017

Call of Duty: WWII Details & First Trailer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Call of Duty is making a dramatic return to the greatest military conflict in history and where the franchise first began, World War II. On Friday, 3rd November, Call of Duty: WWII players will enlist in an unforgettable journey of brotherhood across the European theatre in a mission vital to the success of the Allied powers. The all-new Call of Duty delivers gritty realism, authenticity and cinematic intensity on an epic scale. In addition to the game's boots-on-the-ground combat, Multiplayer offers a host of new mode, system and gameplay innovations across iconic map locations; while an all-new Nazi Zombies Co-operative mode unleashes a startling, new storyline and adrenaline filled experience. Published by Activision and developed by Sledgehammer Games, Call of Duty: WWII defines the World War II game experience for a new generation of consoles.

If you missed the livestream reveal, check out the catch-up video here.

More than two and a-half years ago we made the decision to return this franchise to its roots, and Call of Duty: WWII does so in epic fashion. The team at Sledgehammer Games is delivering an authentic, gritty, cinematic experience that honours both the epic scale, and the human struggle of the greatest war the world has ever known. This game will let longtime fans experience World War II like never before, and will introduce this historic conflict to a whole new generation of gamers in the process.
- Eric Hirshberg, Activision CEO.
Call of Duty: WWII has been a journey of inspiration and passion for everyone at Sledgehammer Games. The team is dedicated to delivering on the intense nature of war that focuses on the heroism and sacrifice of soldiers in WWII. Our rich narrative driven, action-packed campaign, and engaging and innovative multiplayer experience immerse players into the boots of a soldier fighting for freedom in a world on the brink of tyranny.  And, our co-operative mode delivers a unique storyline that's an all-new take on Nazi Zombies that we think fans are going to love.
- Michael Condrey, Studio Head and Co-Founder of Sledgehammer Games.


The story we're telling is unlike anything that we've tackled before. It's such an amazing journey of common everyday people who became heroes. We want to respect this great generation of soldiers, tell a realistic story set in a true inflection point in human history, and deliver the best experience of our careers.
- Glen Schofield, Studio Head and Co-Founder of Sledgehammer Games.

Call of Duty: WWII takes the franchise back to its roots in a bold cinematic experience that captures the unforgettable heroism of the soldiers who fought together in a war that changed the world forever. Activision's gripping new title is an honest portrayal of World War II from the perspective of the famed 1st Infantry Division, with an ensemble cast of global and diverse characters. Through stunning visuals and intense audio, players storm the beaches of Normandy on D-Day, march across France to liberate Paris and ultimately push forward into Germany in some of the most monumental battles of all-time.
Call of Duty: WWII Multiplayer combat immerses players in grounded, fast-paced action featuring an arsenal of authentic weapons and equipment, set in some of the most iconic locations in World War II's European theatre. Multiplayer also delivers a new approach to character and create-a-class through Divisions, War, an all-new narrative multiplayer mode of play, and Headquarters, a first of its kind for the Call of Duty social community, designed for players to interact and socialise with friends. The definitive World War II next generation experience also introduces Nazi Zombies, an all-new co-operative mode featuring a unique standalone storyline set during World War II that's full of unexpected, adrenaline-pumping action. More information about Multiplayer will be revealed at E3 and the Nazi Zombies co-operative experience at a later date.

Call of Duty: WWII pre-orders at participating retailers includes access to the Private Beta, available first on PlayStation 4, scheduled for later this year. Call of Duty: WWII is available for pre-order in the following editions:
· Base Edition and Digital Base Edition
· Digital Deluxe Edition - Season Pass and more
· Pro Edition - Season Pass, collectible Steelbook and more.

Box art for Call of Duty: WWII



Activision Blizzard


First Person Shooter



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