Switch is Nintendo's Biggest EU Launch Ever

By Adam Riley 07.03.2017 12

Switch is Nintendo

Nintendo has confirmed that, across Europe, Nintendo Switch has sold more in its launch weekend than any other Nintendo hardware in history, even surpassing the immensely popular Wii system.

Launch title The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has not only been bestowed with some of the highest review scores in gaming history (including a 10/10 from Cubed3), it's also the biggest-selling Nintendo launch title ever in Europe, even outselling Wii Sports in first weekend sales.

Traditionally March is a quiet time for the games industry, but Nintendo has managed to buck that trend.

Cubed3 will have reviews of 1-2-Switch and Snipperclips up as soon as possible, but in the meantime, be sure to check out our other Switch review content here.

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Wow! Good to see Nintendo making a bigger comeback after the Wii U. I heard it did really well in the US, as well! Seems like the start of some good things from Nintendo, I really like the direction they're going in at the moment.

Marzy said:
Wow! Good to see Nintendo making a bigger comeback after the Wii U. I heard it did really well in the US, as well! Seems like the start of some good things from Nintendo, I really like the direction they're going in at the moment.

Great, unique, and truly innovative as s system... let's hope that now Nintendo will focus on the thing that matters the most - the games.

Can't a fella drink in peace?

In the US it beat Wii's first two days of sales. We need to see how it fares across the month over there, I reckon, as Wii was supply constrained at first.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Positive signs considering this isn't a holiday season launch.

This is from GAF:

A quick rundown of sales based on various Nintendo PR + Famitsu data.

- United States (best launch ever for a Nintendo console): at least 360 000 units
- Japan: ~330 000 units
- Europe (best launch ever for Nintendo Hardware): at least 325 000 units (including 105 000 units from France, and 80k from the United Kingdom)
- Total: at least 1 015 000 units (still missing Canada, and all the other countries the console launched).

Speaking of the 1:1 attach rate for Zelda, that's basically what happened in France (95k). In Japan, it's definitely lower than many expected, myself included.

The last comment is referring to Zelda's Japanese Switch sales being ~195,000.

( Edited 07.03.2017 21:09 by Adam Riley )

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Console gaming phasing itself out in Japan. Sad to see.

~300,000 is on par with the PS4 and Wii U launches, so it's not dead just yet.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Adam Riley said:
This is from GAF:
A quick rundown of sales based on various Nintendo PR + Famitsu data.

- United States (best launch ever for a Nintendo console): at least 360 000 units
- Japan: ~330 000 units
- Europe (best launch ever for Nintendo Hardware): at least 325 000 units (including 105 000 units from France, and 80k from the United Kingdom)
- Total: at least 1 015 000 units (still missing Canada, and all the other countries the console launched).

Speaking of the 1:1 attach rate for Zelda, that's basically what happened in France (95k). In Japan, it's definitely lower than many expected, myself included.

The last comment is referring to Zelda's Japanese Switch sales being ~195,000.

just wait till there is a monster hunter on switch

Or Pokemon. With the right games, this can take off. Nintendo just needs to get the right things on there and do them well.

Azuardo said:
Or Pokemon. With the right games, this can take off. Nintendo just needs to get the right things on there and do them well.

pokemon star

They simply can't be found in the States right now. I've been eyeing the switch, and the insane reviews for Zelda put me over the edge to go pick one up. Have checked a half dozen stores over the last week -- nothing on the shelves. Yesterday, I was told by a GameStop rep that I needed to put down a preorder for their next shipment... arrriving in April.

Nintendo has a legitimate hit on their hands, but they need to feed the beast. Gotta get the units on the shelves.

In Japan, some stores are holding a raffle! Only the winners can get a system from the limited new supply of stock!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

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