Switch to Being a Constructor with Nintendo

By Adam Riley 16.01.2017

Switch to Being a Constructor with Nintendo on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

System 3 has announced that Constructor will now also be released on Nintendo Switch. The release of Constructor marks the 20th Anniversary of the multi-million-selling city builder. Using the Nintendo Switch, Constructor fans will be able to seamlessly take their construction empire with them, allowing players to build, sabotage, and cause construction chaos anywhere.

Caught short and need to lay some pipe? Undock the Nintendo Switch, take your place on the porcelain throne, and continue building an empire in uninterrupted comfort. Just remember to flush...

Image for Switch to Being a Constructor with Nintendo
Image for Switch to Being a Constructor with Nintendo

Constructor also utilises the wireless play of Switch, allowing up to four friends to effortlessly play against each other in the many multiplayer challenges.

The drive and ambition to bring products to the world's most dynamic gaming systems has stood System 3 in good stead over its 35-year existence. The Nintendo Switch is the latest example of hardware allowing us to bring our unique vision to the market. You'll now be able to build and run your construction empire anywhere you like - you'll never stop building!
- Mark Cale, CEO of System 3.

Constructor will be released on launch day for Nintendo Switch, and 28th February for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC via Steam.

Box art for Constructor

System 3


System 3





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European release date None   North America release date None   Japan release date None   Australian release date None   

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