Skylanders Imaginators Coming to Nintendo Switch

By Aria DiMezzo 14.01.2017

Skylanders Imaginators Coming to Nintendo Switch on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Activision is delivering the innovation of Skylanders Imaginators to the next wave of gamers when the highly-anticipated Nintendo Switch launches in March 2017. This March also marks the debut of some of Skylanders Imaginators' most anticipated characters, as well as a brand-new expansion pack. Now Portal Masters all over the world can engage in new content, toys, and experiences with the award-winning Skylanders Imaginators this spring.

No Portal of Power? No problem with Nintendo Switch. Skylanders Imaginators provides gamers unique ways to play, including the introduction of a vast digital library that allows players to easily load and store 300+ toys from the Skylanders franchise directly to the new home gaming system. The arrival of the digital library empowers players to take their Skylanders Imaginators adventure on-the-go whenever and however they want.

Since Skylanders Imaginators and Skylanders Creator launched, fans have made more than 25 million Imaginators using the expansive creation tools in the game and app.

We couldn't be more excited to extend that experience to Nintendo Switch players. We've seen some amazing Skylanders created, and as kids' collections continue to grow, we're proud to offer more depth and variety to fans in ways never before possible with this new system.
- Paul Reich, co-founder and studio head, Toys for Bob.

Skylanders Imaginators has ignited the imaginations of fans everywhere, and we're looking forward to continuing to support their gameplay experiences with Nintendo Switch, along with new toys and content coming this year. There are now more than 300 million Skylanders toys in the hands of fans, which equates to nearly two toys sold every second since Skylanders Spyro's Adventure launched. And with the new season of the animated series Skylanders Academy slated for Netflix this fall, we are thrilled that fans can enjoy playing, watching, and creating Skylanders no matter where they are.
- Josh Taub, senior vice president of Skylanders Product Management, Activision.

Building on the franchise's signature gameplay and collectible toy experience, Skylanders Imaginators pushes the boundaries of innovation and imagination further with the upcoming release of the Cursed Tiki Temple level pack. This set of levels will take kids on an all-new adventure as they unlock more than 100 new offerings for their Skylanders Imaginators - a first in franchise history. The pack also comes with Sensei character Wild Storm, who will unleash a new level to players, a life Creation Crystal; and an Imaginite Mystery Chest.

Skylanders Imaginators gives kids an unprecedented level of choice -- including appearance, powers, abilities, names, catchphrases, musical themes and much more -- to create the most unique Skylanders characters they can imagine. This spring, fans can also be on the lookout for the arrival of new heroes in the world of Skylanders Imaginators, including Skylanders Sensei Grave Clobber. Once a great pharaoh who ruled the Golden Desert long ago, Grave Clobber was buried by his seven jealous brothers in an underwater tomb while he was sleeping. He eventually rose from his watery grave, clobbered each of his brothers and became the perfect choice to be a Sensei trainer for the Brawler Class. This mummy may surprise you with his range of powers, packing a serious punch as well as telekinetic powers.

The Cursed Tiki Temple level pack and new Skylanders Senseis will support all major gaming platforms including Nintendo Switch, Wii U, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, and PlayStation 4. Skylanders Creator is a free app that players can download from iOS and Android app stores for select mobile devices.

Box art for Skylanders Imaginators

Toys for Bob


Activision Blizzard


3D Platformer



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