Classic Street Fighter II Returns to Nintendo Switch

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.01.2017 8

Classic Street Fighter II Returns to Nintendo Switch on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Evil Ryu and Violent Ken do battle in Ultra Street Fighter II, confirmed for the Nintendo Switch.

Capcom have confirmed that Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers, is coming to the Nintendo Switch, complete with two new characters - darker versions of the two series stars: Ryu and Ken. There'll be two graphical modes for fighting fans to enjoy - classic, pixel-art graphics or revamped HD graphics created by developers UDON.


The Switch version will feature the standard arcade features, plus support for two players to battle CPU characters at the same time.

For more, tune into the Nintendo Treehouse Live session later today to see the game in action.

Box art for Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers








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Chun-Li wouldn't do her Spinning Bird Kick by holding down for a few seconds and pressing up and kick... Methinks some moves have changed. Other classics were only, like Blanka's electric punch and flying barrel roll, though.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Wouldn't think moves would change or not function at all in a SF game. I would assume you just needed to be slightly quicker inputting if the game is running at a faster pace than previous versions. Would be very surprised if it is the case for sure.

She kept doing some sort of upwards thrusting kick instead. There were also "Super" moves that people playing couldn't seem to figure out how to trigger. The joys of playing short demos of in development games Smilie

I fell down into a whole in Sonic that wasn't meant to be there, for instance... Smilie Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

btw Adam

Smilie Must be a fake Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

what is that 1st person view in the trailer?

Supa_hyped said:
what is that 1st person view in the trailer?

Unsure. Some were thinking hint at a first person SF4, but... that just seems ridiculous lol. I mean, I know Team Ninja did it in DOA5 on Vita, but I can't see how it would function competitively as well as standard. Who knows?

Looks kind of nice, but it's a shame it's only on the Switch. I also think the animations could've been updated, as the game just isn't very fluid, it seems. I understand they want to remain faithful to classic SFII, but man, those animations are jerky and outdated. I think the new HD style is decent, though.

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