Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Announced for Nintendo Switch

By Sonic_13 13.01.2017 17

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Announced for Nintendo Switch on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe was announced tonight for Nintendo Switch!

Featuring the gravity-defying racing of the original, this port also includes a number of upgraded features. New characters will be joining the fray, including King Boo, Bowser Jr. and the Splatoon Inklings. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe also sees the return of battle stages! Mario Kart 8 for Wii U limited players to battling on race courses. The Switch version sees the return of dedicated battle stages, featuring a mix of revamped classic stages and new ones, such as Splatoon inspired arenas. Previously released DLC content from the original will also be included.

More details will be revealed in the coming months before release, but for now enjoy the trailer below.


Mario Kart 8 Deluxe races into stores on April 28, 2017.

Box art for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe








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I almost bought a Wii U several times over for MK8, I'm glad I held out now with this version coming for the Switch.  

A proper battle mode! Rejoice! Smilie 


( Edited 13.01.2017 11:57 by The Strat Man )

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

No new race tracks? Not worth the asking price since I hammered MK8 on Wii U. I might be inclined at £30 tops, but RRP £50 is a joke for a port with stuff that should have been in there from the start. And still no Dixie.

Didn't buy into the WIi U but I can see myself getting a Switch late this year. MK8 remains my reason to buy, and that new Mario game looks gorgeous too.

Painfully slow, from what I played today. Really shocked! For those that have this on Wii U, was it always like going at walking pace?

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Adam Riley said:
Painfully slow, from what I played today. Really shocked! For those that have this on Wii U, was it always like going at walking pace?

You must have been on 50cc. It's fast on 150cc, and the newly-added 200cc for the first time in the series is nigh-on unplayable in the standard MK way - you have to constantly brake on every corner.

You would defo have been on 50.

Ah okay - they just shoved us into a 2-player mode and it seemed too slow. I HAD also just come off the back of the amazing FAST RMX... Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

aint nothing deluxe about this unless it has extra cups, at least four. i love mario kart but im not paying £50 for a few xtra side characters, inklings and a battle mode that should have been released as dlc for wiiu

Supa_hyped said:
aint nothing deluxe about this unless it has extra cups, at least four. i love mario kart but im not paying £50 for a few xtra side characters, inklings and a battle mode that should have been released as dlc for wiiu


I would have thought some anti-aliasing would have been applied with the added power of the Switch, but sadly doesn't look the case in the screens I've seen. Shame, as that was the only thing letting the visuals down in MK8 on Wii U. Clearly there is some boost in power there, as 2-player is now 60fps too, whereas was only 60 in 1-player previously. But I would have loved some AA applied in 1-player if it could still run 60, and remove the AA for any multiplayer sessions.

A lot of games just looked like Wii U standard... Zelda was lovely, but a bit rough around the edges, this didn't look even as good as putting the Wii U version through CEMU, Splatoon may have benefited from the extra power because of the speed it goes at, but again it's just colourful paint and weird characters, so doesn't particularly benefit was improved visuals...

For me, Switch is GC->Wii. GC had great ideas, but died in the it was repackaged with everything together as Wii. I'd say Switch is the failed Wii U idea rebundled and slightly polished with a clearer marketing campaign. That's all. As soon as that's locked in your mind, it's not too bad.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses
Our member of the week

Azuardo said:
I would have thought some anti-aliasing would have been applied with the added power of the Switch, but sadly doesn't look the case in the screens I've seen. Shame, as that was the only thing letting the visuals down in MK8 on Wii U. Clearly there is some boost in power there, as 2-player is now 60fps too, whereas was only 60 in 1-player previously. But I would have loved some AA applied in 1-player if it could still run 60, and remove the AA for any multiplayer sessions.

That's wrong, the Wii U version ran at 60fps in two-player split screen too, but some on screen elements in the scenery had just less frames of animation. It was only in 3 or 4 player split screen that the Wii u went down to 30FPS, while the HUD was strangely 60 FPS at all times no matter what. The Wii U version however was, like Super Mario 3D World, 720p uspcaled to 1080p (like a lot of PS4 Pro titles are 1080p or 1440p upscaled to 4K) while the Switch version is said to be 1080p native 60FPS no matter if the console is docked or not. That's where you get an upgrade.

EDIT: 200cc in split screen was also very choppy on Wii U. This might not be the case on Switch.

( Edited 14.01.2017 15:43 by RudyC3 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Thanks for the confirmation, Rudy. I must have actually been playing 3 player and not 2 when I made that 60fps comparison all that time ago - been a while!

Was just reading Digital Foundry, and is interesting to hear them say Nintendo could have actually applied some AA and not seen a hit in the fps. Do think it's a big shame to not have any AA at all in MK8DX, based on what I have seen.

Our member of the week

Azuardo said:
Was just reading Digital Foundry, and is interesting to hear them say Nintendo could have actually applied some AA and not seen a hit in the fps. Do think it's a big shame to not have any AA at all in MK8DX, based on what I have seen.

They still might. We're a couple months away from release, for all we know, this might have been the last stable build they had on display and they might have another one in debugging right now where the AA is activated.

Haven't looked at too many screens so I don't know. What i wonder is if there will be local multiplayer. There was a rumour floating around that the DLC cups and charas would be included (that seems to be the case) and then more cups + potential more DLC down the line. I'd be surprised if there isn't some kind of Splatoon tracks planned since the Octolings are playable.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

What i wonder is if there will be local multiplayer.
There is 8 player local wireless.

As for new tracks/future DLC, I sure hope so, because I already own all previous DLC and this version has nothing that makes me want to buy the game again. Battle mode arenas is nice, but not £50 nice, or even £30 nice.

At least 2 new cups (for 8 tracks, which would still be small, imo) should have at least been included in this version.

Our member of the week

Azuardo said:
At least 2 new cups (for 8 tracks, which would still be small, imo) should have at least been included in this version.

Do we know for sure that this is not the case? Has the content for cups been confirmed already or not?

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

RudyC3 said:

Azuardo said:
At least 2 new cups (for 8 tracks, which would still be small, imo) should have at least been included in this version.

Do we know for sure that this is not the case? Has the content for cups been confirmed already or not?

Why haven't they said already? Their press release on the game said new battle arenas, new battle modes, new characters, and all previous DLC included. Nothing whatsoever about new cups and race tracks. That would be the biggest statement to have included, but no mention means no cups to me. It's such an important thing that would sell me on the game, so I see no reason why they would avoid sharing that if they were planning new cups.

It is the greatest Mario Kart ever, so that's awesome and with some new characters and a battle mode (which should have been in the Wii U version anyway). So at full price (currently £50 I think) I won't be getting it, but if it drops £30 or lower I might consider it. I was hoping for new courses really. They did bring back my favourite battle mode though, Bob-Omb Battle! Smilie

They could be working on new courses though and release them as DLC at a later date, so fingers crossed!

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