Movie Review | Star Trek: Renegades (Lights, Camera, Action!)

By Leo Epema 09.10.2016 1

Image for Movie Review | Star Trek: Renegades (Lights, Camera, Action!)

Star Trek: Renegades (UK Rating: N/A)

Originally a movie-length episode made as a pitch for a new Star Trek TV series, then turned down by CBS and now transformed into a web series, Cubed3 takes a look at the crowdfunded episode to see if it lived up to Trekkers' expectations. Since it is a pilot episode, though, its quality should not be taken as completely representative of the end product. That said, there are some things that cannot be easily smoothed over, leaving concerns before things have even developed.

First off, most of the acting is mediocre, sometimes reaching varying levels of bad. It all starts with perhaps the worst actor of the bunch reciting a poem in a very forced way; it sounds like she tries too hard to sound sincere and emotional, and ends up sounding ridiculously over-the-top. The poem also has nothing to do with the main character, but rather seems to try to be this series' slogan, although it doesn't work.

The main character herself is not fleshed out well enough, either. There is something about her mother being killed by two people on a planet somewhere, but it doesn't seem to have any bearing or relation to the rest of the tale, instead meant to make the main character seem 'cool' for not letting traumatic events get the best of her. It honestly sounds more sad than cool. The way some of the actors move and talk also looks scripted, to the point of being very theatrical rather than natural. It is like everyone did their best to come across clearly... but that ends up being part of the problem. The only actors that act in a believable manner are Tim Russ, Walter Koenig, and Robert Picardo. It's possible the new actors just need time to adapt to their roles, and maybe they need more experience acting, but part of the problem is possibly the wooden script more than anything else.

Secondly, most of the main characters are very bland, and some of their backstories are either told through one or two throwaway lines that sound like they were told by students who have no concept of good acting or good scripts. Some characters don't even have background stories, and are just given a general idea of what their personalities are, and that's it. Jaro Ruk tries to be a tough guy and is basically a horrible person, the captain (from the intro) is supposed to be calm and collected, yet the actress comes across as if she doesn't know whether to be aggressive or calm and collected, sticking in a sort of middleground.

Not only is everyone bland and not well fleshed out, they are barely introduced and have no interesting interplay. The crew doesn't get along, but why? There is no real answer to that. More than that, their mutual animosity never evolves or jeopardises the mission, except for when Jaro Ruk refuses to help Garis, but that turns out to be irrelevant to the plot. There are also too many characters to put into an hour-and-a-half movie. The script's not good, either, as touched upon earlier: once or twice it becomes very fuzzy with regards to what is even going on, because the characters put some things into words in odd ways.

On top of this, the visual effects look quite cartoony, sometimes as if they came from old Wing Commander videogames. That said, the ships look pretty detailed (although maybe a bit too plasticky smooth). As for the action, it has been shot in a very bland way without any impact or speed: one of the ships actually dodges photon torpedoes by slowly slanting left slightly. When that ship then fires torpedoes on another ship, the impact sounds muffled and underwhelming. Indeed, the sound effects aren't exactly good when it comes to quality, not even compared to old Star Trek shows from the '90s.

Rated 4 out of 10


Whether a long-term fan of the old Star Trek or not, recent entries in the movie reboot series are somewhat removed from being Star Trek, and this fan-made effort is possibly even more so. It just lacks that spirit of boldly going where no-one has gone before, to explore strange new worlds, and seek out new life and civilisations. To let humanity grow, and to explore social and philosophical questions and ideas. This first episode of the planned series has none of the above, and no strong characters or fun. The concept of Renegades (now seemingly without its 'Star Trek' label, if recent news implies, likely due to copyright reasons) is one that many will want to give a chance to, but the weak acting and script, plus mediocre cinematography will lead followers to think the creators need to hire better writers and a better director, and the worst-case scenario is to start from scratch.

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I wasnt too impressed either.
If your willing to put up with low-end effects and budget. I did enjoy the series "Hidden Frontier", and especially "The Helena Chronicles" its sequel/spin-off. The flaws are mostly bad greenscreening, but its certainly a lot more trek-feeling and "on message". Its advantage is it was one of the first star trek fan series, and hence made 6 you can see the acting/chemistry and effects improve over its course. (they actually recommend you skip past their early stuff)
For more professional produced stuff theres also "Star Trek: Phase 2" and "Star Trek Continues". Both visually managing to get astonishingly close in feel to TOS.
Personally, I prefer Phase2 which has been going a bit longer. It has a slightly more film-like quality to its storytelling. Continues feels like TOS, but also inheriting some of its worst straight too. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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