UPDATE!Nintendo has begun airing a commercial in Japan for a compilation of Mother 1 & 2 on the GBA. The advert also mentions that Mother 3 is due to come out on the handheld as well at some point in the near future. So, it may be slightly disappointing to hear that Mother 3 will not be on the GameCube straight away, but there is not enough solid information to discount there being a twin to the GBA game in the near future! For those that are interested, you can find the Official Mother 1 & 2 website here. And for those eager to see what the update looks like, there are now some screenshots at the bottom of the article. From them it is clear to see the NES version (top row of screens) has not been overhauled graphically, and the SNES sequel (bottom row) has only been slightly tarted-up. Earthbound Series | GBA Remakes News of the cult-games series', known as Mother (or Earthbound in the US), return has leaked out of Nintendo. Apparently there are to be two new titles... The first will be a remake on the GameBoy Advance. It will be a complete reworking of the NES Japan-only title, Mother, and a spruced-up version of Mother 2/Earthbound from the SNES. The release date is rumoured to be around that of the GameBoy Advance Player. The second game is the N64-cancelled Mother 3, which never came to fruition because of development hassles and overall poor results due to the hardware not being powerful enough to realise the creator's vision sufficiently. It is believed that this will be remade for the GameCube and should hit Japanese stores this August. In other news, Enix is reportedly working on a Dragon Quest (Warrior in the US) V remake. Although no consoles have been specified, simple logic would point in the direction of the GBA. After all, Enix recently announced its focus is to only be on the PS2 and GBA, and if DQV is to be a port, then it surely won't come to the PS2... Just remember, though, this is still so far unconfirmed, so class it as a 'rumour' for now! :-) ScreenshotsThere are ( 6 ) screenshots below: "100" alt=""> Please post your comments below! Source:[Games Are Fun!]