Nintendo Bringing eShop Classics to Retail

By Adam Riley 01.09.2016 5

Nintendo Bringing eShop Classics to Retail on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

It has now been set in concrete that as of 30th September, Nintendo will be unleashing some classic Wii U eShop titles onto the retail scene, kicking things off with Shin'en Games' FAST: Racing Neo and Image & Form's SteamWorld Dig and SteamWorld Heist being bundled into a very tasty double-pack.

Not been tempted by any of these games on eShop so far? Will the retail releases tempt you now, or will the pricepoints of £19.99 / 24.99 Euro put you off?

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If I had known about Fast Racing Neo, I would have just waited! But I know someone without an internet connection who will be delighted by the news and who will buy it at launch!

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Already preordered both, despite already owning Fast Racing Neo. Also own Steamworld Dig and Heist on other platforms too, but a physical copy of these games is enticing, plus I have the additional cash, so why not further support these indies?

...Now, if only I actually had the time to play either of these.

I'm guessing the FAST Racing Future DLC pack won't be included on the disc. That would have enticed me to buy it even more. Might still get in the future tho.

Azuardo said:
I'm guessing the FAST Racing Future DLC pack won't be included on the disc. That would have enticed me to buy it even more. Might still get in the future tho.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure they already confirmed that the retail version WILL contain the DLC.

I think Heist also comes with The Outsider DLC, as well.

( Edited 05.09.2016 14:26 by Mush )

Mush said:

Azuardo said:
I'm guessing the FAST Racing Future DLC pack won't be included on the disc. That would have enticed me to buy it even more. Might still get in the future tho.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure they already confirmed that the retail version WILL contain the DLC.

Just looked it up and you're right! Bonus!

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