Super Mario Maker Coming to Nintendo 3DS

By Sonic_13 01.09.2016 2

Super Mario Maker Coming to Nintendo 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Gamers will soon be able to play Super Mario courses anytime, anywhere when Super Mario Maker comes to the Nintendo 3DS later this year.

Featuring all the design elements and tools in the Wii U version (save for the Mystery Mushroom), players will be able to design whatever crazy courses they can dream up anytime and anywhere. Most courses designed in the Wii U version can also be downloaded via Course World and played on the go.

100 original courses designed by Nintendo will be included, featuring Medal Challenges such as collecting all coins or defeating all enemies.

Courses designed on the 3DS are sharable via StreetPass and Local Play. Incomplete courses can also be transferred via local wireless to allow for you and a friend to team up in designing a course together.

The game will be released on December 2 in North America and Europe.

Box art for Super Mario Maker for Nintendo 3DS





2D Platformer



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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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Our member of the week

Strange move, re-releasing that now. If they're going to make a portable version, it would have had a much bigger impact from being on NX instead, or whatever portable component to it there will be.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

RudyC3 said:
Strange move, re-releasing that now. If they're going to make a portable version, it would have had a much bigger impact from being on NX instead, or whatever portable component to it there will be.

Thought the same.

Also, Super Mario Maker "For Nintendo 3DS."

I hate this naming convention from Nintendo.

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