INSiGHT | MyM Magazine: Issue 52 (Review)

By Drew Hurley 19.07.2016

INSiGHT | MyM Magazine: Issue 52 (Review) on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

While there are no MCM events for exclusive coverage this month, there are still plenty of other events that MyM Magazine has the inside track on. Along with a personal report on some of the highlights from this year's mud caked Glastonbury, there is also coverage from the Annecy International Animation Film Festival in France. This event has become the world's largest animation extravaganza and this year included some real gems, such as the hotly anticipated Red Turtle, co-produced with the legendary Studio Ghibli, as well as seeing Guillermo Del Toro in attendance to promote his new animated Netflix show from Dreamworks, Trollhunters.

The features are full to bursting with fantastic articles and exclusive interviews, too. Animated films take centre stage as Andrew Stanton, the Director of the Finding Nemo sequel, Finding Dory, sits down with MyM for an exclusive chat. The 5th Ice Age movie, Ice Age Collision Course gets the same treatment, with Co-Director Mike Thurmeier, and the series mastermind Lori Forte also giving an exclusive interview, talking about this new iteration and the potential of future films. With the upcoming Summer in the City event in London (12th-14th August) MyM has an exclusive sit-down with the event's creators, Dave Bullas and Tom Burns, to talk about where the show came from, how it has developed, and what people can look forward to this year.

There is an absolute ton of game previews and reviews this month after a particularly superb E3 this year. The previews show off some big titles, Nintendo has its long awaited The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Hideo Kojima brings his first original work since leaving Konami in Death Stranding, Kratos takes on the Norse pantheons in a new God of War and, finally, Resident Evil channels PT in a return to horror form. Not to mention some big game reviews including LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Monster Hunter Generations, Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness, Odin Sphere Leifthrasir, Mighty No. 9 amongst many others.

For the anime fans out there, there's an interview with hot up and coming Director, Shunju Iwai, where he talks about his new animated film, The Case of Hana & Alice along with some of his other works, not to mention some great releases this month including the second parts of a few big series like Haikyu!! Season 1, Part 2, Parasyte the Maxim Collection 2 and Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works Part 2.

All of this, along with all your favourite features like the hottest new goodies that need to be on everyone's shopping lists, cosplayer interviews and photography, a Top 10 J-Drama list, plus reviews of the latest movies, comics, manga...and so much more in this latest edition of MyM Magazine, available now from all good retailers.

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