Pokémon Go Helps Nintendo Break Tokyo Trading Records

By Jamie Mercer 18.07.2016 5

Pokémon Go Helps Nintendo Break Tokyo Trading Records on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The unprecedented success of Pokémon Go has helped Nintendo to become the single most traded stock in any one day, trading 476 billion Yen last Friday - the biggest daily turnover for any company in the Topix index this century.

It seems it's not just Pokémon that people are interested in trading in, as shares in Nintendo are on the rise. According to Bloomberg shares shot up 71% last week as the hugely bankable Pokémon Go topped the app charts in all 33 countries it has launched in.

Nintendo beat out the likes of Tokyo Electric, Nippon Steel, and SoftBank - the latter of which today announced the acquisition of Cambridge-based chip manufacturer ARM Holdings whose microchips can be found in billions of everyday consumer electronics, including iPhones and Android handsets.

Share prices in Nintendo are still below the mid $70/share high they reached in 2007, but confidence seems to be growing on the back of Niantic's augmented reality smash hit. 

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Incredible how things change with the release of one game. Just imagine once Animal Crossing and Fire Emblem release on mobiles what their fortunes will be like. Just a shame Pokemon Go is plagued with problems and has released in an unfinished state. That shouldn't be the case if Nintendo is developing AC and FE.

I think the fact it is unfinished and, despite this, is so overwhelmingly popular speaks volumes about the affection for Nintendo IPs - especially Pokémon. A lot of Millennials will be reliving their 90s/early 00s childhoods through this game too - never underestimate the power of nostalgia! Smilie

That and word of mouth to get "those casuals" on board are the driving force. Can't help but feel this idea for a game should have been done already, so is it just the Pokemon IP that's caused this success, or the idea and implementation? The IP will have helped, no doubt, but I feel like this could have taken off if a different company came up with the idea anyway. So it makes you wonder if they have other unique things planned for their other IPs on mobile.

Azuardo said:
Can't help but feel this idea for a game should have been done already, so is it just the Pokemon IP that's caused this success, or the idea and implementation? The IP will have helped, no doubt, but I feel like this could have taken off if a different company came up with the idea anyway.

Isn't Ingress, Niantic's first game, basically what you describe? Similar idea and implementation, but without the Pokémon IP.

Ah, yeah, just had a read about it, and has 7+ million players, so I guess the Pokemon IP itself has really contributed to the success of Go.

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