Cubed3 Special | Mario Massacre and Sonic Shooting?

By James Temperton 13.08.2004 1

Mario Massacre and Sonic Shooting.
Has the life of the gaming mascot come to an end? We investigate...

Article by James Temperton & Cubed3 Team < tempo88 :: Features Editor :: Head of PR >

Could the end for Mario be nigh? Is it the end for gaming mascots full-stop? Will Sonic be around for much longer? All this and more as we investigate...

Part of the furniture...
With time comes change; it is one of those inevitable little things. It is true to everything, so of course gaming is no exception. As the games industry has developed and progressed over the last 20 years or so, since the NES first hit the market right through to the launch of the PlayStation2 and beyond. But it is not just the technology that has changed. Tastes and styles in gaming have taken many-a-turn along the chronology of the industry, and inevitable old styles and ideas have been faded out in favour of the modern...

But is gaming moving house?
L[/b]ooking back at the launch of the NES there was one key title Mario. Formally known as Jumpman for his Arcade escapades, the fat Italian plumber, heralding from Brooklyn, was part of the gamer

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