Hotel Dusk Team Returns with Chase: Cold Case Investigations

By Jamie Mercer 05.07.2016 4

Hotel Dusk Team Returns with Chase: Cold Case Investigations on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The spiritual successor to the Nintendo DS cult classic Hotel Dusk: Room 215 is scheduled for release this Autumn on the 3DS eShop in North America.

Chase: Cold Case Investigations - Distant Memories was released in Japan last year but Aksys Games - who handle the localisation - announced the Western release at Anime Expo 2016, although no European release has been officially confirmed.

Developed once again by the team at Arc System Works, Chase: Cold Case Investigations tells the tale of two detectives - Koto Amekura and Shonosuke Nanase - who reinvestigate a five-year-old case in which a fatal explosion was ruled as an accident.

Hotel Dusk, along with the Phoenix Wright and Professor Layton series, helped to pave the way for point and click games on the Nintendo DS. Hotel Dusk famously had many fourth-wall breaking moments which encouraged gamers to use physical solutions to in-game puzzles.

Box art for Chase: Cold Case Investigations - Distant Memories

Arc System Works


Arc System Works





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Our member of the week

Too bad this was announced as a "late 2017" release. Will the 3DS still even be around by then? It seems so far away. But it's good that they're considering it right now for western release at least. It's a shame Cing died :/.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

That is really cool to hear. Are there ex-Cing developers working on it then?

I was so sad to see Cing die. I absolutely love the Another Code games. Smilie

Our member of the week

Marzy said:
That is really cool to hear. Are there ex-Cing developers working on it then?

I was so sad to see Cing die. I absolutely love the Another Code games. Smilie

The director of Hotel dusk (and I assume the Another Code games?) is directing this one, and other ex-Cing employees who worked on those games, hired by Arc System Works are also taking part in the project. It's not the full Cing staff, but at least there are some of the same people involved. The design of the hero is like a copypasta of Kyle Hyde Smilie. Except perhaps if the game was overseen by Nintendo like the old ones, Kyle wouldn't be smoking.

( Edited 06.07.2016 09:42 by RudyC3 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Very cool! I'm glad some of them managed to continue with their jobs. They were such a great developer! I do hope there can be some sort of spiritual sequel to Another Code, if possible.

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