Nintendo Announces New RPG Ever Oasis

By Lex Firth 15.06.2016 7

Nintendo Announces New RPG Ever Oasis on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo have revealed a new IP during their Treehouse live segment at E3.

Developed by Grezzo, the team behind 3DS games such as The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D and Tri Force HeroesEver Oasis sees players take control of the anthropomorphic Tethu in an Egyptian-inspired game that blends together the action, RPG and simulation genres.

Tethu is in charge of his own oasis in the middle of a dangerous desert and as a result has to deal with a wealth of foreign visitors from a number of tribes and species, such as the bird-like Noots, or a group of dragon lizards. In order to keep them happy and to keep the oasis' economy booming, he's also in charge of keeping shops well-stocked and taking commission from them in order to line his own pocket.

Of course, it's not all about what goes on inside the oasis, but also what lies beyond: within the desert lie a number of dungeons into which Tethu can take a number of allies to solve puzzles, fight enemies, and beat bosses. The combat, in which the player can switch between three different characters, will take up the meat of the game.

Ever Oasis will be released exclusively on Nintendo 3DS in 2017. Check out the trailer below:

Box art for Ever Oasis





Real Time RPG



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Our member of the week

Grezzo going back to their Action RPG roots? Looks promising so far Smilie ! I wonder if Koichi Ishii is overseeing this project in person?

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

RudyC3 said:
Grezzo going back to their Action RPG roots? Looks promising so far Smilie ! I wonder if Koichi Ishii is overseeing this project in person?

He is!

He was even there this morning when the game was revealed during Treehouse Live.



( Edited 16.06.2016 00:30 by Sonic_13 )

This is pretty important, because it shows that Grezzo isn't going to be stuck making Zelda ports forever, and that they can likely make Zelda ports alongside other projects.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

crackedthesky said:
This is pretty important, because it shows that Grezzo isn't going to be stuck making Zelda ports forever, and that they can likely make Zelda ports alongside other projects.

Is Grezzo owned by Nintendo or are they second party?

Sonic_13 said:

Is Grezzo owned by Nintendo or are they second party?

I'm not entirely sure. I thought they were owned by Nintendo, but I can't find a confirmation of it, and on their site they list Square Enix as a major client (they co-developed Final Fantasy XI). They also co-developed The Legend of Legacy. That said, it's not impossible for a company Nintendo owns to co-develop games with other developers and publishers (Monolith Soft has made five games for Bandai Namco, for instance, despite being wholly owned by Nintendo).

But every single game Grezzo has fully developed has been a Nintendo exclusive, and they even developed some of the Streetpass games included with the 3DS. So I would think either they just really like working with Nintendo, or Nintendo might own some stock in the company or something.

( Edited 16.06.2016 02:13 by crackedthesky )

NNID: crackedthesky
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Our member of the week

As far as I'm aware, they are completely independent from Nintendo (they are a Kabushiki Gaisha after all and not a subsidiary) but simply share some creative vision that make them stick to Nintendo platforms primarily.

They are not to be confused with 1-Up Studio, formerly Brownie Brown, who was also founded by important ex-Square employees closely tied to the Mana series, like Koichi Ishii, who are indeed I believe partly owned by Nintendo or if not, they are at least tied to Nintendo by some exclusivity contract. They are a subsidiary to Nintendo. Both companies have a similar story in how they came to be anyway. Those two are made of important former Squaresoft talent that the current company seriously lacks IMHO.

( Edited 16.06.2016 09:47 by RudyC3 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Maybe it's something like Sora Ltd. where they like working with Nintendo but wish to remain independent for creative purposes.

NNID: crackedthesky
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