Nintendo eShop 5-Year Sale (EU)

By Az Elias 07.06.2016 7

Nintendo eShop 5-Year Sale (EU) on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

In celebration of five years since the launch of the Nintendo eShop, Nintendo is having a sale on many games.

Covering a wide choice of Wii U and 3DS titles, including Virtual Console games, owners of either system can look forward to some great discounts, starting 3pm BST on 9th June until 23:59 BST on 23rd June.

Check out the sale prices of the European eShop below.

Wii U Sales

Art Academy: Sketch Pad - Sale price: £1.79 (was £3.59) / €1.99 (was €3.99)
Child of Light - Sale price: £5.99 (was £11.99) / €7.49 (was €14.99)
Cube Life: Island Survival - Sale price: £5.59 (was £7.99) / €6.99 (was €9.99)
Donkey Kong 64 - Sale price: £4.49 (was £8.99) / €4.99 (was €9.99)
EarthBound - Sale price: £3.49 (was £6.99) / €4.99 (was €9.99)
FAST Racing Neo - Sale price: £8.20 (was £10.99) / €11.20 (was €14.99)
F-Zero - Sale price: £2.69 (was £5.49) / €3.99 (was €7.99)
Kirby's Adventure - Sale price: £1.69 (was £3.49) / €2.49 (was €4.99)
Little Inferno - Sale price: £4.49 (was £8.99) / €4.99 (was €9.99)
Metroid Prime Trilogy - Sale price: £8.99 (was £17.99) / €9.99 (was €19.99)
Nano Assault Neo - Sale price: £6.70 (was £8.99) / €7.49 (was €9.99)
NES Remix - Sale price: £4.49 (was £8.99) / €4.99 (was €9.99)
NES Remix 2 - Sale price: £4.49 (was £8.99) / €4.99 (was €9.99)
Super Mario Bros. 3 - Sale price: £1.69 (was £3.49) / €2.49 (was €4.99)
Super Mario Galaxy 2 - Sale price: £8.99 (was £17.99) / €9.99 (was €19.99)
Super Mario World - Sale price: £2.69 (was £5.49) / €3.99 (was €7.99)
Super Mario 64 - Sale price: £4.49 (was £8.99) / €4.99 (was €9.99)
Super Metroid - Sale price: £2.69 (was £5.49) / €3.99 (was €7.99)
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - Sale price: £2.69 (was £5.49) / €3.99 (was €7.99)
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Sale price: £4.49 (was £8.99) / €4.99 (was €9.99)
The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap - Sale price: £3.09 (was £6.29) / €3.49 (was €6.99)
Toki Tori - Sale price: £0.89 (was £1.79) / €0.99 (was €1.99)
Trine 2: Director's Cut - Sale price: £6.99 (was £13.99) / €8.49 (was €16.99)

Nintendo 3DS Sales

3D Classics: Kirby's Adventure - Sale price: £2.69 (was £5.39) / €2.99 (was €5.99)
Colors! 3D - Sale price: £2.69 (was £5.39) / €2.99 (was €5.99)
Dillon's Rolling Western - Sale price: £4.49 (was £8.99) / €4.99 (was €9.99)
Fun! Fun! Minigolf Touch! - Sale price: £1.85 (was £2.50) / €2.24 (was €2.99)
Gunman Clive - Sale price: £0.99 (was £1.99) / €0.99 (was €1.99)
Kirby's Dream Land - Sale price: £1.79 (was £3.59) / €1.99 (was €3.99)
Pokédex 3D Pro - Sale price: £6.69 (was £13.49) / €7.49 (was €14.99)
Pokémon Link: Battle! - Sale price: £3.59 (was £7.19) / €3.99 (was €7.99)
Pokémon Trading Card Game - Sale price: £2.19 (was £4.49) / €2.49 (was €4.99)
Pullblox - Sale price: £2.69 (was £5.39) / €2.99 (was €5.99)
Shin Megami Tensei IV - Sale price: £8.99 (was £17.99) / €9.99 (was €19.99)
SteamWorld Dig - Sale price: £3.49 (was £7.99) / €4.49 (was €8.99)
Super Mario Bros. - Sale price: £2.19 (was £4.49) / €2.49 (was €4.99)
Super Mario Bros. 2 - Sale price: £2.19 (was £4.49) / €2.49 (was €4.99)
Super Mario Bros. 3 - Sale price: £1.69 (was £3.49) / €2.49 (was €4.99)
Super Mario Land - Sale price: £1.79 (was £3.59) / €1.99 (was €3.99)
Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins - Sale price: £1.79 (was £3.59) / €1.99 (was €3.99)
The Legend of Zelda - Sale price: £2.19 (was £4.49) / €2.49 (was €4.99)
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX - Sale price: £2.69 (was £5.39) / €2.99 (was €5.99)
The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages - Sale price: £2.69 (was £5.39) / €2.99 (was €5.99)
The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons - Sale price: £2.69 (was £5.39) / €2.99 (was €5.99)
Zen Pinball 3D - Sale price: £1.79 (was £4.49) / €1.99 (was €4.99)

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Our member of the week

Some interesting stuff in there. I'm definitely getting Fast Racing NEO at that price. There's opportunity to make some gold MyNintendo coins at little cost in there.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

RudyC3 said:
Some interesting stuff in there. I'm definitely getting Fast Racing NEO at that price. There's opportunity to make some gold MyNintendo coins at little cost in there.

Yeah, I'll probably grab FAST as well as a few of those VC games I don't yet have! May even pick up NES Remix 1&2 at that price, been thinking about it for a while!

Either way, I won't have time to play any with my current backlog and upcoming games... but at least I can keep them on my system until I am ready to play them. Smilie

Our member of the week

I got :

- Fast Racing Neo
- Trine Enchanted Edition (not part of the 5-year sale but still on regular sale at 6.49€, already had the second game)
- NES Remix 2 (already had the first one)
- The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
- The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages
- The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons

All of this for a little over 30€, making in total 80 MyNintendo gold coins that I exchanged immediately for Metroid Fusion. A good haul for the price!

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I got:

  • Donkey Kong 64
  • FAST Racing NEO
  • NES Remix
  • NES Remix 2
  • Super Mario 64
  • The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap
  • Trine: Enchanted Edition
Already own Minish Cap on 3DS, but may as well get it on Wii U as well. It's an excellent game after all!

Rudy, we should play the Trine games together at some point. Barely even touched the 2nd one myself!

EDIT: Also grabbed Metroid Fusion with my MyNintendo points!

( Edited 10.06.2016 08:07 by Mush )

Our member of the week

Same, I barely touched the second one when it came out on Wii U launch. I hear it's much better in multi.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

RudyC3 said:
Same, I barely touched the second one when it came out on Wii U launch. I hear it's much better in multi.

Won't be for a while, but whenever I have a decent amount of time, we should play through the first game. I'm free weekends, but I've been mostly playing Toukiden on Friday/Saturday. Need to get on to finishing that, because MH Generations is out in a month!

Our member of the week

Sounds like a plan then!

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

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