Takashi Tokita, Director of RPG classic Chrono Trigger, has indicated he would like to see a "high end" remake. The title frequently tops lists of greatest RPGs of all time and is fondly remembered by all who have played it.
What made this game special was that this was the first collaboration between Square who made Final Fantasy and Enix who created Dragon Quest. Many of the team working on Chrono Trigger would then go on to shape future Final Fantasy titles.
Speaking with Game Informer, Tokita said he would like to see Square-Enix bring the franchise back in some form.
"Personally, if there is ever an opportunity, I would love to see a high-quality, high-end version of Chrono Trigger, or a movie production, or something of the sort."
Chrono Trigger was released on the Super Nintendo in 1995 and was re-released on the Nintendo DS as well as iOS and Android. A follow up, Chrono Cross, was released on the PlayStation in 1999 but was not as successful as the first game.