Resident Evil 7 Rumoured to be Announced at E3, to Return to the Series' Horror Roots

By Leo Epema 18.05.2016 4

Resident Evil 7 Rumoured to be Announced at E3, to Return to the Series

According to a May 17 duo of Twitter posts by analyst Serkan Toto, Resident Evil 7 is set to be announced at E3 2016. In addition, in the first of the two Twitter posts, Serkan claims ''The entire game will go back to RE's horror roots and (essentially) be a clean slate''. Toto also says the developers of Resident Evil 7 have hired Jordan Amaro, a designer for the video games P.T. and Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.

In news from late last year, Capcom announced it wants to launch three major titles by April 2017, with only one of them having been revealed, namely as a Monster Hunter game. Considering one of the titles was listed as likely selling four million copies, it has led gamers to wonder if it might be a new Resident Evil instalment.

What do you think? Will Resident Evil 7 be announced at E3 2016? Will it finally return to the series' horror roots, something many people think the previous instalment failed to do?

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I hope so. Reboot the franchise, do away with Umbrella, do something completely fresh. Could still keep the characters the same, but just reboot their backgrounds/stories, too.

I'd be interested in seeing something with new characters, but in the same vein as classics like RE2 and 3. Also, I think fixed camera angles can sometimes increase the tension and creepiness, though I'd be fine with a camera more similar to RE4's.

Some people might be very reserved about this news. After all, Resident Evil 6 was said to return to the roots as well, and then it turned out to be more like an FPS than a survival horror game. That said, Capcom does seem to think RE6 didn't sell well enough, so if nothing else, I suspect they'll want to go back to the roots for the sake of better sales. So I'm moderately excited, actually.

On the other hand, they've only commented on the lack of horror in RE6, not the lack of survival elements. That does make me scared RE7 will focus too much on horror and not enough on survival. But, good news regardless.

( Edited 19.05.2016 00:39 by Leo Epema )

It's interesting they say that when you look at the sales:

PS4/XONE not included for RE6, but I guess if you look to see it sold less than RE5, then I guess that's not enough for them. You obviously want to try and better the previous main entry.

As much as I'd like them to return to fixed camera views, REmake 2 will be doing that, so I think RE7 would still retain some sort of over-the-shoulder viewpoint, but maybe mixing it up a bit where it can with fixed cameras.

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They always keep saying they'll bring it back to its roots, and whenever they say that, they simply mess it up.

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