Zelda to Launch on Wii U and NX in 2017

By Az Elias 27.04.2016 11

Zelda to Launch on Wii U and NX in 2017 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The next entry in the Legend of Zelda franchise will launch simultaneously on Wii U and NX in 2017.

Both versions of the game have been in development in tandem, but Nintendo has decided to delay it to polish it further.

Additionally, the next Legend of Zelda title - in its Wii U iteration - will be the sole focus and playable on the show floor at E3 in June, but it will be the only playable title Nintendo shows. New official artwork of Link has also been revealed.

More information will be announced regarding E3 in the near future by Nintendo.

Image for Zelda to Launch on Wii U and NX in 2017
Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild





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Interesting they didn't say it will be a launch title yet - just that it will launch for both systems in 2017. I guess it's all still up in arms.

Regardless, I'll be buying an NX for this game.

I wish Link's face would look a bit different for once. TP, SS, HW and this - all look too similar to me, especially in key art. I miss OoT adult Link.

Maybe he has a full-on mullet at the back. I hope he does for the hilarity.

Yeah, you'd think it'd be a launch title after all this time, but maybe they're reworking a lot of the game to take advantage of the NX hardware. Hoping it will be though, would definitely be a big hitter for launch software.

Obviously it's disappointing to wait even longer, but hopefully it will pay off in the end.

Link looked a bit different in the original trailer they showed, I absolutely loved that design, but this artwork definitely looks more like the TP and SS Link. Might just be the facial expression though?

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( Edited 27.04.2016 13:26 by Marzy )

He should be okay in-game. After all, the SS and TP key arts differ quite vastly to their in-game models, especially SS:

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I'm just more annoyed that the key arts all generally look like the same Link, but the models differ far more. There was a difference between LttP, OoT and TP Links, but since then, the realistic arts generally seem to be copies of TP Link. WW Link is obviously an exception with his cartoony look, but it'd be nice to see something fresher for the maturer Link style for once.

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This new Zelda looks amazing !....Hate it will not be coming out until next year.....I really dought this will be the only game Nintendo has playable at e3. Theres alot of rumors of other games coming out. Nintendo titles on the horizon. Plus I want to see what the third party and Indies games are going to be at E3. Caint wait ! What do you think they will show ? 

( Edited 27.04.2016 22:40 by curtiscdragon )

curtiscdragon said:

I really dought this will be the only game Nintendo has playable at e3. Theres alot of rumors of other games coming out. Nintendo titles on the horizon. What do you think they will show ?

I really want to hear about "Pikmin 4" which was reportedly almost finished last summer. I'd be surprised if that wasn't a Wii U game. And as I'd said before on this site, I feel the Game Pad tremendously benefited Pikmin 3 by making management of Pikmin and multitasking super easy.

( Edited 27.04.2016 23:13 by Sonic_13 )

Guest 28.04.2016#6

They really need something to fill the gap between star fox and nx. Even if its just dlc for mario kart, star fox or smash. At the moment this year is looking pretty barren. You've got fire emblem x shin megami which as a big disappointment due to the excessive amounts of jpop. And paper mario which looks to be channeling sticker star and epic mickey.

Just read that Zelda will be coming out March 2017 (confirmed), so likely will launch with NX since it comes out the same month.

( Edited 30.04.2016 15:26 by Marzy )


Marzy said:
Just read that Zelda will be coming out March 2017 (confirmed), so likely will launch with NX since it comes out the same month.

Where was this said? I haven't seen anything from Nintendo about it. I should think it probably will be a launch title, but wouldn't surprise me to not see it be.

It was on an official press release document from the financial briefing, but they altered it anyway, yesterday. So now it just says 2017 now.

Here it is

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Marzy said:
It was on an official press release document from the financial briefing, but they altered it anyway, yesterday. So now it just says 2017 now.

Here it is

That's in North America Marzy. In Europe, there isn't even any date displayed on Nintendo's site.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I'll probably just grab the Wii-U version. I'm really hesitant about the NX.

That said, I'm really looking forward to it, and still hoping (almost certainly in vain) that multiple playable characters will be the big Nintendo E3 reveal this year. :/

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