Division Disaster as New Exploit Lets Users Deal Unlimited Damage

By Jamie Mercer 20.04.2016 2

Division Disaster as New Exploit Lets Users Deal Unlimited Damage on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A newly found exploit in Tom Clancy's The Division has left gamers fuming as players can now boost their gun's damage to game-breaking levels.

Using a simple gun-switching trick with the Competent talent on the firearm creates a bugged loop and causes the damage multiplier to stack. The next time a skill is triggered causes the damage dealt to temporarily increase exponentially meaning the Dark Zone is an even scarier place than normal as those using this exploit are dealing 1,000,000+ DPS (damage per second). 

The discovery of this bug comes after a troubling week for Ubisoft Massive with the launch of free DLC 'Falcon Lost' facing backlash over introducing more exploits as well as seemingly nerfing the crafting system. Ubisoft say they are "looking into what can be done in terms of punishment" for exploiters and cheaters but so far no solid plans have been announced.

Box art for Tom Clancy's The Division








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TRUSTORM (guest) 21.04.2016#1

Punishing the exploiters shouldn't even be on the radar right now. Fix the problem first. Then worry about taking care of the trash that used the exploit. Don't put a bandaid on a stab wound. If they don't fix this right now, this game is dead.

I strongly agree, the first priority should be the gamers who are currently trying to play the game exploit free. Make sure the bugs get fixed quickly and then come up with a plan to deal with cheaters.

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