WadjetEye Games' Latest, Shardlight, Out Now

By Adam Riley 12.03.2016

WadjetEye Games

"I was only five when the bombs fell. All this time, I've just been trying to survive."

Amy Wellard is dying. Twenty years after a cataclysmic disaster levelled her city, Green Lung is wiping out the population at an alarming rate and vaccine is in short supply, rationed by a government that favours the rich. Amy may not have money or status, but she has something more important: hope. If there's a cure out there, she's going to find it.

Wadjet Eye Games' latest adventure, Shardlight, is now available for PC on Steam, GOG, and the studio's online store. If you grab it before 15th March, there is even a 10% discount!

Step into Amy's worn shoes to explore a dying city, navigate its social hierarchy, and expose the secrets that plague a community still suffering from the devastation of war. With old-school pixel-art graphics, classic point-and-click gameplay, and high production values all around, Shardlight is an ambitious title from the developer of A Golden Wake, in collaboration with the studio behind the Blackwell mysteries, and many other acclaimed indie adventures released over the past ten years.

Additional bonus content, including a digital soundtrack, production art, and behind-the-scenes video from voice recording sessions, can be purchased as an add-on from all three stores.

Find out why Cubed3 called it "one of the most refreshing point-and-click adventures of recent times."

Box art for Shardlight



Wadjet Eye

C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date Out now   

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