Super Mario Maker Gets Key Update Today

By Jorge Ba-oh 09.03.2016

Super Mario Maker Gets Key Update Today on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A fresh software update for Super Mario Maker adds new items, modes and features - including keys! 

Nintendo updated the game today to include a variety of new features, including the Key from Super Mario World, where players need to collect one to unlock doors. These keys can also be attached to enemies, too, forcing you to beat a baddie in order to continue - enabling mandatory boss battles.

The puzzling elements continue with pink coins, which must be collected to spawn a key, making it even more challenging to progress through tricky levels.

Finally, the Spike Pillar obstacle - also featured in Super Mario World - adds some tricky platforming moments, with massive columns slamming down and taking lives.

A "Super Expert" difficulty is also part of the update, pulling random courses in the 100 Mario Challenge mode, which unlocks five new Mystery Mushroom costumes. 

Super Mario Maker has amassed 6.2 million user-created courses, which have been played more than 400 million times as of 27th January. 


Have you created courses yet? If so, be sure to share them below!

Box art for Super Mario Maker





2D Platformer



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