Metroid Prime: Federation Force Story Trailer

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.03.2016 6

Metroid Prime: Federation Force Story Trailer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo shared more details on the next chapter of the Metroid Prime series during Nintendo Direct.

One of the games showcased last night during Nintendo's presentation of upcoming 3DS titles was the marmite shooter/adventure game Metroid Prime: Federation Force. Acknowledging concerns from series fans as to how Federation Force fits within the Metroid landscape, Nintendo revealed more on the storyline - a battle between the Federation Force folk and the Space Pirates.

The game's producer Kensuke Tanabe also chimed in, with a message to reassure fans that Federation Force is worthy of the Metroid moniker.



Do you think Metroid Prime: Federation Force fits within the universe that Samus has moulded?

Box art for Metroid Prime: Federation Force

Next Level




First Person Shooter



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Very hyped for this game.

I was concerned at the beginning of the segment because it sounded like it was going to be revealed as New 3DS only, but I'm glad that it's not.

IGN apparently got some play time with the game recently and had very good things to say about the game in regards to the controls, gameplay, and overall atmosphere of the levels they tried.

Guest 04.03.2016#2

Its the art style that doesn't fit, chibi federation troopers really jars with the serious tone of the metroid series. I'm all for a federation based game. What they should have done is released it on wii u as a haloesque spin off.

Guest said:
Its the art style that doesn't fit, chibi federation troopers really jars with the serious tone of the metroid series. I'm all for a federation based game. What they should have done is released it on wii u as a haloesque spin off.

People said similar things about Wind Waker when it was first revealed. Now that's considered one of the best games in the series, art style and all.

I think people should be more open-minded and focus more on gameplay than whether the art style being different makes the game inherently bad.

NNID: crackedthesky
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Actually really looking forward to this!

I own all the consoles, ask me anything

they should have spent more time with this and released it as an online co op as part of metroid prime 4/nx or even as a stand alone nx launch title.

Supa_hyped said:
they should have spent more time with this and released it as an online co op as part of metroid prime 4/nx or even as a stand alone nx launch title.

Maybe, but the 3DS could use more FPS. Also here's hoping they're working on Metroid Prime 4 for NX instead.

NNID: crackedthesky
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