Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon Announced

By Jorge Ba-oh 26.02.2016 10

Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon Announced on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

It's official, Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon are coming to Nintendo 3DS towards the end of the year.

After being leaked yesterday, Nintendo lifted the lid on the project this afternoon in a brief Pokémon Direct presentation, with the games getting a worldwide release in nine languages by late 2016. 

As well as the names, Nintendo noted that those of you who play the Virtual Console releases of Pokémon Red, Pokémon Blue and Pokémon Yellow will be able to transfer Pokémon to the new games using the online cloud service software, Pokémon Bank.


To celebrate two decades of Pokémon games, animé, manga, toys, cosplay and much more, Nintendo are throwing a live 24 hour twitch stream this weekend, plus events across North America.

What do you think of the new Pokémon game names?

Box art for Pokémon Sun

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Hard to get excited over some logos, lol. ^^;

The names are fine... What else is there to say about it? xD

( Edited 26.02.2016 20:37 by Marzy )

My thinking exactly.
Was hoping for PokemonGo details really.

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They asked people to tune in live for that?

Our member of the week

Azuardo said:
They asked people to tune in live for that?

lol this is not the whole Pokémon Direct, there was a bit more info than that, but yeah, it wasn't worth all the hype Smilie. I'm flabbergasted that you will only be able to use your Pokémon Y/B/R creatures transferred to PokéBank in the next two titles. X/Y/AR/OS are also compatible with Pokébank so there should be no reason for those Pokémon to not be transferrable to the titles that are already readily available. Though I guess you'll still be able to transfer them to Moon and Sun, and then back to the other 3DS titles, but in the meantime, the VC titles will be more... confined so to speak.

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RudyC3 said:

Azuardo said:
They asked people to tune in live for that?

lol this is not the whole Pokémon Direct, there was a bit more info than that, but yeah, it wasn't worth all the hype Smilie. I'm flabbergasted that you will only be able to use your Pokémon Y/B/R creatures transferred to PokéBank in the next two titles. X/Y/AR/OS are also compatible with Pokébank so there should be no reason for those Pokémon to not be transferrable to the titles that are already readily available. Though I guess you'll still be able to transfer them to Moon and Sun, and then back to the other 3DS titles, but in the meantime, the VC titles will be more... confined so to speak.

Hmm... Unless it's a ploy to get people buying the RBY VC titles to then buy Sun/Moon, instead of sticking with the slightly older games? But I doubt it'd even make much difference to sales. If you're buying RBY, you're most probably gonna pick up SM anyway.

RudyC3 said:
I'm flabbergasted that you will only be able to use your Pokémon Y/B/R creatures transferred to PokéBank in the next two titles.

Wait, what? They said you could transfer Pokemon from those games using Pokemon Bank, but I didn't see anything about ONLY using Pokemon from those games. Wouldn't all games compatible with Pokemon Bank (Black, White, Black 2, White 2, X, Y, OR, AS) be compatible?

Edit: Wait, I think I read that wrong, and you're probably referring to only being able to use RBY Pokemon in SuMO and not the older compatible games, haha.

That makes me wonder though, how will it work? Gen I had completely different typing and stat systems.

( Edited 27.02.2016 01:49 by crackedthesky )

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing: http://www.davidjlovato.com

The typing shouldn't be a problem. After all, you could transfer the originals to Gold and Silver, which changed some of the typing.
However, the stats and other things intrigue me. IVs and EVs didn't really exist in RBY, let alone nature's, shinys, genders etc. 
Honestly it makes me suspect that the VC games aren't really the originals.

Cheesing It Up said:
The typing shouldn't be a problem. After all, you could transfer the originals to Gold and Silver, which changed some of the typing.
However, the stats and other things intrigue me. IVs and EVs didn't really exist in RBY, let alone nature's, shinys, genders etc. 
Honestly it makes me suspect that the VC games aren't really the originals.

From what I've read on reddit, they're the originals, and even still have the glitches (including missingno). Yellow version has Pikachu Beach, too. The only known difference so far is they re-colored Jynx to be purple instead of black in the Yellow version.

What they're saying is that it will likely just export a list of your Pokemon to Pokemon Bank, which will then just give you the generic Su/Mo version of that Pokemon (which might also be why they won't let you transfer them to X/Y/OR/AS).

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing: http://www.davidjlovato.com

crackedthesky said:

From what I've read on reddit, they're the originals, and even still have the glitches (including missingno). Yellow version has Pikachu Beach, too. The only known difference so far is they re-colored Jynx to be purple instead of black in the Yellow version.

What they're saying is that it will likely just export a list of your Pokemon to Pokemon Bank, which will then just give you the generic Su/Mo version of that Pokemon (which might also be why they won't let you transfer them to X/Y/OR/AS).

Hmm, I guess that makes sense, although it seems a bit gimmicky and mostly pointless. 

Maybe. I've always loved Yellow and I'll be pretty happy to carry my Pikachu over.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing: http://www.davidjlovato.com

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